Staking Error Codes
The ssnlist
smart contract will emit out exception with an error code when an
error condition is encountered. An example is shown below.
Exception thrown: (Message [(_exception : (String "Error")) ; (code : (Int32 -13))]) :188
Raised from IsProxy :269
Raised from IsPaused :279
Raised from DelegateStake :797
Here, we will demystify the error codes.
Error codes
Error Name | Error Code | Description |
ContractFrozenFailure | -1 | ssnlist contract is currently paused state |
VerifierValidationFailed | -2 | The initiator should be a verifier |
AdminValidationFailed | -3 | The initiator should be an admin |
StagingAdminNotExist | -4 | No staging admin is set |
StagingAdminValidationFailed | -5 | Failed to validate staging admin |
ProxyValidationFailed | -6 | The caller of this transition must be a registered proxy address |
DelegDoesNotExistAtSSN | -7 | Delegator does not exist for the current SSN |
DelegHasBufferedDeposit | -8 | Delegator has buffered deposit with the current SSN and is unable to proceed with this current operation |
ChangeCommError | -9 | SSN operator has just changed commission in the current reward cycle and will not be able to change it again for this cycle |
SSNNotExist | -10 | SSN does not exists |
SSNAlreadyExist | -11 | There is another SSN with the same address as what the initiator provided |
DelegHasUnwithdrawRewards | -12 | Delegator has unwithdrawn rewards and is unable to proceed with the current operation |
DelegHasNoSufficientAmt | -13 | Delegator is unable to withdraw or redelegate stake as the amount provided is larger than his currnet dekegaed amount with a particular SSN |
SSNNoComm | -14 | SSN has no commission for the SSN operator to withdraw |
DelegStakeNotEnough | -15 | The delegation amount is less than min stake |
ExceedMaxChangeRate | -16 | The commission change amount is larger than what is allowed by max commission change rate |
ExceedMaxCommRate | -17 | The commission rate cannot be more than the max comission rate i.e 100% |
InvalidTotalAmt | -18 | Cannot decrease total stake amount |
VerifierNotSet | -19 | verifer is not set |
VerifierRecvAddrNotSet | -20 | verifer receiving address is not set |
ReDelegInvalidSSNAddr | -21 | The initiator is trying to redelegate to a non-existence SSN |
AvailableRewardsError | -22 | Reward validation failure |
InvalidSwapAddr | -23 | No such address for the swap request or delegator is swapping to the same address |
SwapAddrValidationFailed | -24 | Requestor swap address does not match requestor address |
SwapAddrAlreadyExistsAsRequest | -25 | A cyclic swap request detected |