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Scilla By Example


We start off by writing a classical HelloWorld.scilla contract with the following specification:

  • It should have an [immutable contract parameter]{.title-ref} owner to be initialized by the creator of the contract. The parameter is immutable in the sense that once initialized during contract deployment, its value cannot be changed. owner will be of type ByStr20 (a hexadecimal Byte String representing a 20 byte address).
  • It should have a [mutable field]{.title-ref} welcome_msg of type String initialized to "". Mutability here refers to the possibility of modifying the value of a variable even after the contract has been deployed.
  • The owner and only her should be able to modify welcome_msg through an interface setHello. The interface takes a msg (of type String) as input and allows the owner to set the value of welcome_msg to msg.
  • It should have an interface getHello that welcomes any caller with welcome_msg. getHello will not take any input.

Defining a Contract, its Immutable Parameters and Mutable Fields

A contract is declared using the contract keyword that starts the scope of the contract. The keyword is followed by the name of the contract which will be HelloWorld in our example. So, the following code fragment declares a HelloWorld contract.

contract HelloWorld

::: {.note} ::: {.title} Note :::

In the current implementation, a Scilla contract can only contain a single contract declaration and hence any code that follows the contract keyword is part of the contract declaration. In other words, there is no explicit keyword to declare the end of the contract definition. :::

A contract declaration is followed by the declaration of its immutable parameters, the scope of which is defined by (). Each immutable parameter is declared in the following way: vname: vtype, where vname is the parameter name and vtype is the parameter type. Immutable parameters are separated by ,. As per the specification, the contract will have only one immutable parameter owner of type ByStr20 and hence the following code fragment.

(owner: ByStr20)

Mutable fields in a contract are declared through keyword field. Each mutable field is declared in the following way: field vname : vtype = init_val, where vname is the field name, vtype is its type and init_val is the value to which the field has to be initialized. The HelloWorld contract has one mutable field welcome_msg of type String initialized to "". This yields the following code fragment:

field welcome_msg : String = ""

At this stage, our HelloWorld.scilla contract will have the following form that includes the contract name, its immutable parameters and mutable fields:

contract HelloWorld
(owner: ByStr20)

field welcome_msg : String = ""

Defining Interfaces [aka]{.title-ref} Transitions

Interfaces like setHello are referred to as [transitions]{.title-ref} in Scilla. Transitions are similar to [functions]{.title-ref} or [methods]{.title-ref} in other languages. There is an important difference, however, most languages allow their functions or methods to be "interrupted" by a thread running in parallel, but Scilla won't let a transition to be interrupted ensuring there is no so-called reentrancy issues.

::: {.note} ::: {.title} Note :::

The term [transition]{.title-ref} comes from the underlying computation model in Scilla which follows a communicating automaton. A contract in Scilla is an automaton with some state. The state of an automaton can be changed using a transition that takes a previous state and an input and yields a new state. Check the wikipedia entry to read more about transition systems. :::

A transition is declared using the keyword transition. The end of a transition scope is declared using the keyword end. The transition keyword is followed by the transition name, which is setHello for our example. Then follows the input parameters within (). Each input parameter is separated by a , and is declared in the following format: vname : vtype. According to the specification, setHello takes only one parameter of name msg of type String. This yields the following code fragment:

transition setHello (msg : String)

What follows the transition signature is the body of the transition. Code for the first transition setHello (msg : String) to set welcome_msg is given below:

transition setHello (msg : String)
  is_owner = builtin eq owner _sender;
  match is_owner with
  | False =>
    e = {_eventname : "setHello"; code : not_owner_code};
    event e
  | True =>
    welcome_msg := msg;
    e = {_eventname : "setHello"; code : set_hello_code};
    event e

At first, the caller of the transition is checked against the owner using the instruction builtin eq owner _sender in Line 2. In order to compare two addresses, we are using the function eq defined as a builtin operator. The operator returns a Boolean value True or False.

::: {.note} ::: {.title} Note :::

Scilla internally defines some variables that have special semantics. These special variables are often prefixed by _. For instance, _sender in Scilla refers to the account address that called the current contract. :::

Depending on the output of the comparison, the transition takes a different path declared using [pattern matching]{.title-ref}, the syntax of which is given in the fragment below.

match expr with
| pattern_1 => expr_1
| pattern_2 => expr_2

The above code checks whether expr evaluates to a value that matches pattern_1 or pattern_2. If expr evaluates to a value matching pattern_1, then the next expression to be evaluated will be expr_1. Otherwise, if expr evaluates to a value matching pattern_2, then the next expression to be evaluated will be expr_2.

Hence, the following code block implements an if-then-else instruction:

match expr with
| True  => expr_1
| False => expr_2

The Caller is Not the Owner

In case the caller is different from owner, the transition takes the False branch and the contract emits an event using the instruction event.

An event is a signal that gets stored on the blockchain for everyone to see. If a user uses a client application to invoke a transition on a contract, the client application can listen for events that the contract may emit, and alert the user.

More concretely, the output event in this case is:

e = {_eventname : "setHello"; code : not_owner_code};

An event is comprised of a number of vname : value pairs delimited by ; inside a pair of curly braces {}. An event must contain the compulsory field _eventname, and may contain other fields such as the code field in the example above.

::: {.note} ::: {.title} Note :::

In our example we have chosen to name the event after the transition that emits the event, but any name can be chosen. However, it is recommended that you name the events in a way that makes it easy to see which part of the code emitted the event. :::

The Caller is the Owner

In case the caller is owner, the contract allows the caller to set the value of the mutable field welcome_msg to the input parameter msg. This is done through the following instruction:

welcome_msg := msg;

::: {.note} ::: {.title} Note :::

Writing to a mutable field is done using the operator :=. :::

And as in the previous case, the contract then emits an event with the code set_hello_code.


A Scilla contract may come with some helper libraries that declare purely functional components of a contract, i.e., components with no state manipulation. A library is declared in the preamble of a contract using the keyword library followed by the name of the library. In our current example a library declaration would look as follows:

library HelloWorld

The library may include utility functions and program constants using the let ident = expr construct. In our example the library will only include the definition of error codes:

let not_owner_code  = Uint32 1
let set_hello_code  = Uint32 2

At this stage, our contract fragment will have the following form:

library HelloWorld

 let not_owner_code  = Uint32 1
 let set_hello_code  = Uint32 2

 contract HelloWorld
 (owner: ByStr20)

 field welcome_msg : String = ""

 transition setHello (msg : String)
   is_owner = builtin eq owner _sender;
   match is_owner with
   | False =>
     e = {_eventname : "setHello"; code : not_owner_code};
     event e
   | True =>
     welcome_msg := msg;
     e = {_eventname : "setHello"; code : set_hello_code};
     event e

Adding Another Transition

We may now add the second transition getHello() that allows client applications to know what the welcome_msg is. The declaration is similar to setHello (msg : String) except that getHello() does not take a parameter.

transition getHello ()
    r <- welcome_msg;
    e = {_eventname: "getHello"; msg: r};
    event e

::: {.note} ::: {.title} Note :::

Reading from a local mutable field, i.e., a field defined in the current contract, is done using the operator <-. :::

In the getHello() transition, we will first read from a mutable field, and then we construct and emit the event.

Scilla Version

Once a contract has been deployed on the network, it cannot be changed. It is therefore necessary to specify which version of Scilla the contract is written in, so as to ensure that the behaviour of the contract does not change even if changes are made to the Scilla specification.

The Scilla version of the contract is declared using the keyword scilla_version:

scilla_version 0

The version declaration must appear before any library or contract code.

Putting it All Together

The complete contract that implements the desired specification is given below, where we have added comments using the (* *) construct:

(* HelloWorld contract *)

(*                 Scilla version                  *)

scilla_version 0

(*               Associated library                *)
library HelloWorld

let not_owner_code  = Uint32 1
let set_hello_code  = Uint32 2

(*             The contract definition             *)

contract HelloWorld
(owner: ByStr20)

field welcome_msg : String = ""

transition setHello (msg : String)
  is_owner = builtin eq owner _sender;
  match is_owner with
  | False =>
    e = {_eventname : "setHello"; code : not_owner_code};
    event e
  | True =>
    welcome_msg := msg;
    e = {_eventname : "setHello"; code : set_hello_code};
    event e

transition getHello ()
  r <- welcome_msg;
  e = {_eventname: "getHello"; msg: r};
  event e

A Second Example: Crowdfunding

In this section, we present a slightly more involved contract that runs a crowdfunding campaign. In a crowdfunding campaign, a project owner wishes to raise funds through donations from the community.

It is assumed that the owner (owner) wishes to run the campaign until a certain, predetermined block number is reached on the blockchain (max_block). The owner also wishes to raise a minimum amount of QA (goal) without which the project can not be started. The contract hence has three immutable parameters owner, max_block and goal.

The immutable parameters are provided when the contract is deployed. At that point we wish to add a sanity check that the goal is a strictly positive amount. If the contract is accidentally initialised with a goal of 0, then the contract should not be deployed.

The total amount that has been donated to the campaign so far is stored in a field _balance. Any contract in Scilla has an implicit _balance field of type Uint128, which is initialised to 0 when the contract is deployed, and which holds the amount of QA in the contract's account on the blockchain.

The campaign is deemed successful if the owner can raise the goal in the stipulated time. In case the campaign is unsuccessful, the donations are returned to the project backers who contributed during the campaign. The backers are supposed to ask for refund explicitly.

The contract maintains two mutable fields:

  • backers: a field map from a contributor's address (a ByStr20 value) to the amount contributed, represented with a Uint128 value. Since there are no backers initially, this map is initialized to an Emp (empty) map. The map enables the contract to register a donor, prevent multiple donations and to refund back the money if the campaign does not succeed.
  • funded: a Boolean flag initialized to False that indicates whether the owner has already transferred the funds after the end of the campaign.

The contract contains three transitions: Donate () that allows anyone to contribute to the crowdfunding campaign, GetFunds () that allows only the owner to claim the donated amount and transfer it to owner and ClaimBack() that allows contributors to claim back their donations in case the campaign is not successful.

Sanity check for contract parameters

To ensure that the goal is a strictly positive amount, we use a `contract constraint`:

  let zero = Uint128 0 in
  builtin lt zero goal

The Boolean expression between with and => above is evaluated during contract deployment and the contract only gets deployed if the result of evaluation is True. This ensures that the contract cannot be deployed with a goal of 0 by mistake.

Reading the Current Block Number

The deadline is given as a block number, so to check whether the deadline has passed, we must compare the deadline against the current block number.

The current block number is read as follows:


Block numbers have a dedicated type BNum in Scilla, so as to not confuse them with regular unsigned integers.

::: {.note} ::: {.title} Note :::

Reading data from the blockchain is done using the operator <- &. Blockchain data cannot be updated directly from the contract. :::

Reading and Updating the Current Balance

The target for the campaign is specified by the owner in the immutable parameter goal when the contract is deployed. To check whether the target have been met, we must compare the total amount raised to the target.

The amount of QA raised is stored in the contract's account on the blockchain, and can be accessed through the implicitly declared _balance field as follows:

bal <- _balance;

Money is represented as values of type Uint128.

::: {.note} ::: {.title} Note :::

The _balance field is read using the operator <- just like any other contract field. However, the _balance field can only be updated by accepting money from incoming messages (using the instruction accept), or by explicitly transferring money to other account (using the instruction send as explained below). :::

Sending Messages

In Scilla, there are two ways that transitions can transmit data. One way is through events, as covered in the previous example. The other is through the sending of messages using the instruction send.

send is used to send messages to other accounts, either in order to invoke transitions on another smart contract, or to transfer money to user accounts. On the other hand, events are dispatched signals that smart contracts can use to transmit data to client applications.

To construct a message we use a similar syntax as when constructing events:

msg = {_tag : ""; _recipient : owner; _amount : bal; code : got_funds_code};

A message must contain the compulsory [message fields]{.title-ref} _tag, _recipient and _amount. The _recipient message field is the blockchain address (of type ByStr20) that the message is to be sent to, and the _amount message field is the number of QA to be transferred to that account.

The value of the _tag message field is the name of the transition (of type String) that is to be invoked on the contract deployed at _recipient address. If _recipient is the address of a user account then the value of _tag is ignored, hence for simplicity we put "" here.

::: {.note} ::: {.title} Note :::

To make it possible to refund both contracts and user accounts (this is useful if a backer used a wallet contract to donate), use a standard transition name as per ZRC-5, i.e. AddFunds. :::

In addition to the compulsory fields the message may contain other fields, such as code above. However, if the message recipient is a contract, the additional fields must have the same names and types as the parameters of the transition being invoked on the recipient contract.

Sending a message is done using the send instruction, which takes a list of messages as a parameter. Since we will only ever send one message at a time in the crowdfunding contract, we define a library function one_msg to construct a list consisting of one message:

let one_msg =
  fun (msg : Message) =>
  let nil_msg = Nil {Message} in
    Cons {Message} msg nil_msg

To send out a message, we first construct the message, insert it into a list, and send it:

msg = {_tag : ""; _recipient : owner; _amount : bal; code : got_funds_code};
msgs = one_msg msg;
send msgs


The transitions of a Scilla contract often need to perform the same small sequence of instructions. In order to prevent code duplication a contract may define a number of [procedures]{.title-ref}, which may be invoked from the contract's transitions. Procedures also help divide the contract code into separate, self-contained pieces which are easier to read and reason about individually.

A procedure is declared using the keyword procedure. The end of a procedure is declared using the keyword end. The procedure keyword is followed by the transition name, then the input parameters within (), and then the statements of the procedure.

In our example the Donate transition will issue an event in three situations: An error event if the donation happens after the deadline, another error event if the backer has donated money previously, and a non-error event indicating a successful donation. Since much of the event issuing code is identical, we decide to define a procedure DonationEvent which is responsible for issuing the correct event:

procedure DonationEvent (failure : Bool, error_code : Int32)
  match failure with
  | False =>
    e = {_eventname : "DonationSuccess"; donor : _sender;
         amount : _amount; code : accepted_code};
    event e
  | True =>
    e = {_eventname : "DonationFailure"; donor : _sender;
         amount : _amount; code : error_code};
    event e

The procedure takes two arguments: A Bool indicating whether the donation failed, and an error code indicating the type of failure if a failure did indeed occur.

The procedure performs a match on the failure argument. If the donation did not fail, the error code is ignored, and a DonationSuccess event is issued. Otherwise, if the donation failed, then a DonationFailure event is issued with the error code that was passed as the second argument to the procedure.

The following code shows how to invoke the DonationEvent procedure with the arguments True and 0:

c = True;
err_code = Int32 0;
DonationEvent c err_code;

::: {.note} ::: {.title} Note :::

The special parameters _sender, _origin and _amount are available to a procedure even though the procedure is invoked by a transition rather than by an incoming message. It is not necessary to pass these special parameters as arguments to the procedure. :::

::: {.note} ::: {.title} Note :::

Procedures are similar to library functions in that they can be invoked from any transition (as long as the transition is defined after the procedure). However, procedures are different from library functions in that library functions cannot access the contract state, and procedures cannot return a value.

Procedures are similar to transitions in that they can access and change the contract state, as well as read the incoming messages and send outgoing messages. However, procedures cannot be invoked from the blockchain layer. Only transitions may be invoked from outside the contract, so procedures can be viewed as private transitions. :::

Putting it All Together

The complete crowdfunding contract is given below.

(*                 Scilla version                  *)

scilla_version 0

(*               Associated library                *)
import BoolUtils

library Crowdfunding

let one_msg =
  fun (msg : Message) =>
    let nil_msg = Nil {Message} in
    Cons {Message} msg nil_msg

let blk_leq =
  fun (blk1 : BNum) =>
  fun (blk2 : BNum) =>
    let bc1 = builtin blt blk1 blk2 in
    let bc2 = builtin eq blk1 blk2 in
    orb bc1 bc2

let get_funds_allowed =
  fun (cur_block : BNum) =>
  fun (max_block : BNum) =>
  fun (balance : Uint128) =>
  fun (goal : Uint128) =>
    let in_time = blk_leq cur_block max_block in
    let deadline_passed = negb in_time in
    let target_not_reached = builtin lt balance goal in
    let target_reached = negb target_not_reached in
    andb deadline_passed target_reached

let claimback_allowed =
  fun (balance : Uint128) =>
  fun (goal : Uint128) =>
  fun (already_funded : Bool) =>
    let target_not_reached = builtin lt balance goal in
    let not_already_funded = negb already_funded in
    andb target_not_reached not_already_funded

let accepted_code = Int32 1
let missed_deadline_code = Int32 2
let already_backed_code  = Int32 3
let not_owner_code  = Int32 4
let too_early_code  = Int32 5
let got_funds_code  = Int32 6
let cannot_get_funds  = Int32 7
let cannot_reclaim_code = Int32 8
let reclaimed_code = Int32 9

(*             The contract definition             *)
contract Crowdfunding

(*  Parameters *)
(owner     : ByStr20,
max_block : BNum,
goal      : Uint128)

(* Contract constraint *)
  let zero = Uint128 0 in
  builtin lt zero goal

(* Mutable fields *)
field backers : Map ByStr20 Uint128 = Emp ByStr20 Uint128
field funded : Bool = False

procedure DonationEvent (failure : Bool, error_code : Int32)
  match failure with
  | False =>
    e = {_eventname : "DonationSuccess"; donor : _sender;
         amount : _amount; code : accepted_code};
    event e
  | True =>
    e = {_eventname : "DonationFailure"; donor : _sender;
         amount : _amount; code : error_code};
    event e

procedure PerformDonate ()
  c <- exists backers[_sender];
  match c with
  | False =>
    backers[_sender] := _amount;
    DonationEvent c accepted_code
  | True =>
    DonationEvent c already_backed_code

transition Donate ()
  blk <- & BLOCKNUMBER;
  in_time = blk_leq blk max_block;
  match in_time with
  | True  =>
  | False =>
    t = True;
    DonationEvent t missed_deadline_code

procedure GetFundsFailure (error_code : Int32)
  e = {_eventname : "GetFundsFailure"; caller : _sender;
       amount : _amount; code : error_code};
  event e

procedure PerformGetFunds ()
  bal <- _balance;
  tt = True;
  funded := tt;
  msg = {_tag : ""; _recipient : owner; _amount : bal; code : got_funds_code};
  msgs = one_msg msg;
  send msgs

transition GetFunds ()
  is_owner = builtin eq owner _sender;
  match is_owner with
  | False =>
    GetFundsFailure not_owner_code
  | True =>
    blk <- & BLOCKNUMBER;
    bal <- _balance;
    allowed = get_funds_allowed blk max_block bal goal;
    match allowed with
    | False =>
      GetFundsFailure cannot_get_funds
    | True =>

procedure ClaimBackFailure (error_code : Int32)
  e = {_eventname : "ClaimBackFailure"; caller : _sender;
       amount : _amount; code : error_code};
  event e

procedure PerformClaimBack (amount : Uint128)
  delete backers[_sender];
  msg = {_tag : ""; _recipient : _sender; _amount : amount; code : reclaimed_code};
  msgs = one_msg msg;
  e = { _eventname : "ClaimBackSuccess"; caller : _sender; amount : amount; code : reclaimed_code};
  event e;
  send msgs

transition ClaimBack ()
  blk <- & BLOCKNUMBER;
  after_deadline = builtin blt max_block blk;
  match after_deadline with
  | False =>
    ClaimBackFailure too_early_code
  | True =>
    bal <- _balance;
    f <- funded;
    allowed = claimback_allowed bal goal f;
    match allowed with
    | False =>
      ClaimBackFailure cannot_reclaim_code
    | True =>
      res <- backers[_sender];
      match res with
      | None =>
        (* Sender has not donated *)
        ClaimBackFailure cannot_reclaim_code
      | Some v =>
        PerformClaimBack v

A Third Example: A Simple Token Exchange

As a third example we look at how contracts written in Scilla can interact by passing messages to each other, and by reading each other's states. As our example application we choose a simplified token exchange contracts in which users can place offers of swapping one type of fungible tokens for another type.

Fungible Tokens

Recall that a fungible token is one which is indistinguishable from another token of the same type. For example, a US $1 bank note is indistinguishable from any other US $1 bank note (for the purposes of using the bank note to pay for goods, services, or other tokens, at least).

The Zilliqa Reference Contracts library offers specifications and reference implementations of commonly used contract types, and the ZRC2 standard specifies a standard for fungible tokens, which we will use for this example. We will not go into detail about how the token contract works, but only point out a few important aspects that will be needed in order to implement the token exchange.

Exchange Specification

We want our simple exchange to support the following functionality:

  • The exchange has a number of listed tokens that can be freely swapped with each other. Each listed token is identified by its token code (e.g., "USD" for US dollars).
  • The exchange should have an administrator at all times. The administrator is in charge of approving token contracts, and listing them on the exchange. The administrator may pass the administrator role on to someone else.
  • Any user can place an order on the exchange. To place an order, the user specifies which token he wants to sell and how many of them he is offering, and which token he wants to buy and how many he wants in return. The contract keeps track of every active (unmatched) order.
  • When a user attempts to place an order to sell some tokens, the exchange checks that the user actually has those tokens to sell. If he does, then the exchange claims those tokens and holds on to them until the order is matched.
  • Any user can match an active order on the exchange. To match an order, the user specifies which order to match.
  • When a user attempts to match an order, the exchange checks that the user actually has the tokens that the order placer wants to buy. If he does, then the exchange transfers the tokens that were claimed when the order was placed to the order matcher, and transfers the tokens that the order placer wants to buy from the order matcher to the order placer. After the tokens have been transferred the exchange deletes the fulfilled order.

To keep the example brief our exchange will not support unlisting of tokens, cancellation of orders, orders with expiry time, prioritising orders so that the order matcher gets the best deal possible, partial matching of orders, securing the exchange against abuse, fees for trading on the exchange, etc.. We encourage the reader to implement additional features as a way to familiarise themselves even further with Scilla.

The Administrator Role

The exchange must have an administrator at all times, including when it is first deployed. The administrator may change over time, so we define a mutable field admin to keep track of the current administrator, and initialise it to an initial_admin, which is given as an immutable parameter:

contract SimpleExchange
  initial_admin : ByStr20 with end

field admin : ByStr20 with end = initial_admin

The type of the admin field is ByStr20 with end, which is an [address type]{.title-ref}. As in the earlier examples ByStr20 is the type of byte strings of length 20, but we now add the additional requirement that when that byte string is interpreted as an address on the network, the address must be [in use]{.title-ref}, and the contents at that address must satisfy whatever is between the with and end keywords.

In this case there is nothing between with and end, so we have no additional requirements. However, the address must be in use, either by a user or by another contract - otherwise Scilla will not accept it as having a legal address type. (We will go into more detail about address types when the exchange interacts with the listed token contracts.)

Multiple transitions will need to check that the _sender is the current admin, so let us define a procedure that checks that that is the case:

procedure CheckSenderIsAdmin()
  current_admin <- admin;
  is_admin = builtin eq _sender current_admin;
  match is_admin with
  | True =>  (* Nothing to do *)
  | False =>
    (* Construct an exception object and throw it *)
    e = { _exception : "SenderIsNotAdmin" };
    throw e

If the _sender is the current administrator, then nothing happens, and whichever transition called this procedure can continue. If the _sender is someone else, however, the procedure throws an [exception]{.title-ref} causing the current transaction to be aborted.

We want the administrator to be able to pass on the administrator role to someone else, so we define our first transition SetAdmin as follows:

transition SetAdmin(new_admin : ByStr20 with end)
  (* Only the former admin may appoint a new admin *)
  admin := new_admin

The transition applies the CheckSenderIsAdmin procedure, and if no exception is thrown then the sender is indeed the current administrator, and is thus allowed to pass on the administrator role on to someone else. The new admin must once again be an address that is in use.

Intermezzo: Transferring Tokens On Behalf Of The Token Owner

Before we continue adding features to our exchange we must first look at how token contracts transfer tokens between users.

The ZRC2 token standard defines a field balances which keeps track of how many tokens each user has:

field balances: Map ByStr20 Uint128

However, this is not particularly useful for our exchange, because the token contract won't allow the exchange to transfer tokens belonging to someone other than the exchange itself.

Instead, the ZRC2 standard defines a field allowances, which a user who owns tokens can use to allow another user partial access to the owner's tokens:

field allowances: Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint128)

For instance, if Alice has given Bob an allowance of 100 tokens, then the allowances map in token contract will contain the value allowances[<address of Alice>][<address of Bob>] = 100. This allows Bob to spend 100 of Alice's tokens as if they were his own. (Alice can of course withdraw the allowance, as long as Bob hasn't yet spent the tokens).

Before a user places an order, the user should provide the exchange with an allowance of the token he wants to sell to cover the order. The user can then place the order, and the exchange can check that the allowance is sufficient. The exchange then transfers the tokens to its own account for holding until the order is matched.

Similarly, before a user matches an order, the user should provide the exchange with an allowance of the token that the order placer wants to buy. The user can then match the order, and the exchange can check that the allowance is sufficient. The exchange then transfers those tokens to the user who placed the order, and transfers to the matching user the tokens that it transferred to itself when the order was placed.

In order to check the current allowance that a user has given to the exchange, we will need to specify the allowances field in the token address type. We do this as follows:

ByStr20 with contract field allowances : Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint128) end

As with the admin field we require that the address is in use. Additionally, the requirements between with and end must also be satisfied:

  • The keyword contract specifies that the address must be in use by a contract, and not by a user.
  • The keyword field specifies that the contract in question must contain a mutable field with the specified name and of the specified type.

Listing a New Token

The exchange keeps track of its listed tokens, i.e., which tokens are allowed to be traded on the exchange. We do this by defining a map from the token code (a String) to the address of the token.

field listed_tokens :
  Map String (ByStr20 with contract
                             field allowances : Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint128)
  = Emp String (ByStr20 with contract
                               field allowances : Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint128)

Only the administrator is allowed to list new tokens, so we leverage the CheckSenderIsAdmin procedure again here.

Additionally, we only want to list tokens that have a different token code from the previously listed tokens. For this purpose we define a procedure CheckIsTokenUnlisted to check whether a token code is defined as a key in the listed_tokens map. :

library SimpleExchangeLib

let false = False


contract SimpleExchange (...)


procedure ThrowListingStatusException(
  token_code : String,
  expected_status : Bool,
  actual_status : Bool)
  e = { _exception : "UnexpectedListingStatus";
       token_code: token_code;
       expected : expected_status;
       actual : actual_status };
  throw e

procedure CheckIsTokenUnlisted(
  token_code : String
  (* Is the token code listed? *)
  token_code_is_listed <- exists listed_tokens[token_code];
  match token_code_is_listed with
  | True =>
    (* Incorrect listing status *)
    ThrowListingStatusException token_code false token_code_is_listed
  | False => (* Nothing to do *)

This time we define a helper procedure ThrowListingStatusException which unconditionally throws an exception. This will be useful later when we later write the transition for placing orders, because we will need to check that the tokens involved in the order are listed.

We also define the constant false in the contract's library. This is due to the fact that Scilla requires all values to be named before they are used in computations. Defining constants in library code prevents us from cluttering the transition code with constant definitions:

(* Incorrect listing status *)
false = False; (* We don't want to do it like this *)
ThrowListingStatusException token_code false token_code_is_listed

With the helper procedures in place we are now ready to define the ListToken transition as follows:

transition ListToken(
  token_code : String,
  new_token : ByStr20 with contract field allowances : Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint128) end
  (* Only the admin may list new tokens.  *)
  (* Only new token codes are allowed.  *)
  CheckIsTokenUnlisted token_code;
  (* Everything is ok. The token can be listed *)
  listed_tokens[token_code] := new_token

Placing an Order

To place an order a user must specify the token code and the amount of the token he wants to sell, and the token code and amount he wants to buy. We invoke the ThrowListingStatusException procedure if any of the token codes are unlisted:

transition PlaceOrder(
  token_code_sell : String,
  sell_amount : Uint128,
  token_code_buy: String,
  buy_amount : Uint128
  (* Check that the tokens are listed *)
  token_sell_opt <- listed_tokens[token_code_sell];
  token_buy_opt <- listed_tokens[token_code_buy];
  match token_sell_opt with
  | Some token_sell =>
    match token_buy_opt with
    | Some token_buy =>
    | None =>
      (* Unlisted token *)
      ThrowListingStatusException token_code_buy true false
  | None =>
    (* Unlisted token *)
    ThrowListingStatusException token_code_sell true false

If both tokens are listed, we must first check that the user has supplied a sufficient allowance to the exchange. We will need a similar check when another user matches the order, so we define a helper procedure CheckAllowance to perform the check:

procedure CheckAllowance(
  token : ByStr20 with contract field allowances : Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint128) end,
  expected : Uint128

To perform the check we will need to perform a [remote read]{.title-ref} of the allowances field in the token contract. We are interested in the allowance given by the _sender to the exchange, whose address is given by a special immutable field _this_address, so we want to remote read the value of allowances[_sender][_this_address] in the token contract.

Remote reads in Scilla are performed using the operator <- &, and we use . notation to specify the contract that we want to remote read from. The entire statement for the remote read is therefore as follows:

actual_opt <-& token.allowances[_sender][_this_address];

Just as when we perform a local read of a map, the result of reading from a remote map is an optional value. If the result is Some v for some v, then the user has provided the exchange with an allowance of v tokens, and if the result is None the user has not supplied an allowance at all. We therefore need to pattern-match the result to get the actual allowance:

(* Find actual allowance. Use 0 if None is given *)
actual = match actual_opt with
         | Some x => x
         | None => zero

Once again, we define the constant zero = Uint128 0 in the contract library for convenience.

We can now compare the actual allowance to the allowance we are expecting, and throw an exception if the actual allowance is insufficient:

is_sufficient = uint128_le expected actual;
  match is_sufficient with
  | True => (* Nothing to do *)
  | False =>
    ThrowInsufficientAllowanceException token expected actual

The function uint128_le is a utility function which performs a less-than-or-equal comparison on values of type Uint128. The function is defined in the IntUtils part of the standard library, so in order to use the function we must import IntUtils into the contract, which is done immediately after the scilla_version preamble, and before the contract library definitions:

scilla_version 0

import IntUtils

library SimpleExchangeLib

We also utilise a helper procedure ThrowInsufficientAllowanceException to throw an exception if the allowance is insufficient, so the CheckAllowance procedure ends up looking as follows:

procedure ThrowInsufficientAllowanceException(
  token : ByStr20,
  expected : Uint128,
  actual : Uint128)
  e = { _exception : "InsufficientAllowance";
       token: token;
       expected : expected;
       actual : actual };
  throw e

procedure CheckAllowance(
  token : ByStr20 with contract field allowances : Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint128) end,
  expected : Uint128
  actual_opt <-& token.allowances[_sender][_this_address];
  (* Find actual allowance. Use 0 if None is given *)
  actual = match actual_opt with
           | Some x => x
           | None => zero
  is_sufficient = uint128_le expected actual;
  match is_sufficient with
  | True => (* Nothing to do *)
  | False =>
    ThrowInsufficientAllowanceException token expected actual

transition PlaceOrder(
  token_code_sell : String,
  sell_amount : Uint128,
  token_code_buy: String,
  buy_amount : Uint128
  (* Check that the tokens are listed *)
  token_sell_opt <- listed_tokens[token_code_sell];
  token_buy_opt <- listed_tokens[token_code_buy];
  match token_sell_opt with
  | Some token_sell =>
    match token_buy_opt with
    | Some token_buy =>
      (* Check that the placer has allowed sufficient funds to be accessed *)
      CheckAllowance token_sell sell_amount;
    | None =>
      (* Unlisted token *)
      ThrowListingStatusException token_code_buy true false
  | None =>
    (* Unlisted token *)
    ThrowListingStatusException token_code_sell true false

If the user has given the exchange a sufficient allowance, the exchange can send a message to the token contract to perform the transfer of tokens from the allowance the exchange's own balance. The transition we need to invoke on the token contract is called TransferFrom, as opposed to Transfer which transfers funds from the sender's own token balance rather than from the sender's allowance of someone else's balance.

Since the message will look much like the messages that we need when an order is matched, we generate the message using helper functions in the contract library (we will also need a new constant true):

library SimpleExchangeLib

let true = True


let one_msg : Message -> List Message =
  fun (msg : Message) =>
    let mty = Nil { Message } in
    Cons { Message } msg mty

let mk_transfer_msg : Bool -> ByStr20 -> ByStr20 -> ByStr20 -> Uint128 -> Message =
  fun (transfer_from : Bool) =>
  fun (token_address : ByStr20) =>
  fun (from : ByStr20) =>
  fun (to : ByStr20) =>
  fun (amount : Uint128) =>
    let tag = match transfer_from with
              | True => "TransferFrom"
              | False => "Transfer"
    { _recipient : token_address;
     _tag : tag;
     _amount : Uint128 0;  (* No Zil are transferred, only custom tokens *)
     from : from;
     to : to;
     amount : amount }

let mk_place_order_msg : ByStr20 -> ByStr20 -> ByStr20 -> Uint128 -> List Message =
  fun (token_address : ByStr20) =>
  fun (from : ByStr20) =>
  fun (to : ByStr20) =>
  fun (amount : Uint128) =>
    (* Construct a TransferFrom messsage to transfer from seller's allowance to exhange *)
    let msg = mk_transfer_msg true token_address from to amount in
    (* Create a singleton list *)
    one_msg msg

contract SimpleExchange (...)


transition PlaceOrder(
  token_code_sell : String,
  sell_amount : Uint128,
  token_code_buy: String,
  buy_amount : Uint128
  (* Check that the tokens are listed *)
  token_sell_opt <- listed_tokens[token_code_sell];
  token_buy_opt <- listed_tokens[token_code_buy];
  match token_sell_opt with
  | Some token_sell =>
    match token_buy_opt with
    | Some token_buy =>
      (* Check that the placer has allowed sufficient funds to be accessed *)
      CheckAllowance token_sell sell_amount;
      (* Transfer the sell tokens to the exchange for holding. Construct a TransferFrom message to the token contract. *)
      msg = mk_place_order_msg token_sell _sender _this_address sell_amount;
      (* Send message when the transition completes. *)
      send msg;
    | None =>
      (* Unlisted token *)
      ThrowListingStatusException token_code_buy true false
  | None =>
    (* Unlisted token *)
    ThrowListingStatusException token_code_sell true false

Finally, we need to store the new order, so that users may match the order in the future. For this we define a new type Order, which holds all the information needed when eventually the order is matched:

(* Order placer, sell token, sell amount, buy token, buy amount *)
type Order =
| Order of ByStr20
           (ByStr20 with contract field allowances : Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint128) end)
           (ByStr20 with contract field allowances : Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint128) end)

A value of type Order is given by the type constructor Order, a token address and an amount of tokens to sell, and a token address and an amount of tokens to buy.

We now need a field containing a map from order numbers (of type Uint128) to Order, which represents the currently active orders. Additionally, we will need a way to generate a unique order number, so we'll define a field which holds the next order number to use:

field active_orders : Map Uint128 Order = Emp Uint128 Order

field next_order_no : Uint128 = zero

To add a new order we need to generate a new order number, store the generated order number and the new order in the active_orders map, and finally increment the next_order_no field (using the library constant one = Uint128 1) so that it is ready for the next order to be placed. We will put that in a helper procedure AddOrder, and add a call to the procedure in the PlaceOrder transition:

procedure AddOrder(
  order : Order
  (* Get the next order number *)
  order_no <- next_order_no;
  (* Add the order *)
  active_orders[order_no] := order;
  (* Update the next_order_no field *)
  new_order_no = builtin add order_no one;
  next_order_no := new_order_no

transition PlaceOrder(
  token_code_sell : String,
  sell_amount : Uint128,
  token_code_buy: String,
  buy_amount : Uint128
  (* Check that the tokens are listed *)
  token_sell_opt <- listed_tokens[token_code_sell];
  token_buy_opt <- listed_tokens[token_code_buy];
  match token_sell_opt with
  | Some token_sell =>
    match token_buy_opt with
    | Some token_buy =>
      (* Check that the placer has allowed sufficient funds to be accessed *)
      CheckAllowance token_sell sell_amount;
      (* Transfer the sell tokens to the exchange for holding. Construct a TransferFrom message to the token contract. *)
      msg = mk_place_order_msg token_sell _sender _this_address sell_amount;
      (* Send message when the transition completes. *)
      send msg;
      (* Create order and add to list of active orders  *)
      order = Order _sender token_sell sell_amount token_buy buy_amount;
      AddOrder order
    | None =>
      (* Unlisted token *)
      ThrowListingStatusException token_code_buy true false
  | None =>
    (* Unlisted token *)
    ThrowListingStatusException token_code_sell true false

PlaceOrder is now complete, but there is still one thing missing. The [ZRC2]{.title-ref} token standard specifies that when a TransferFrom transition is executed, the token sends messages to the recipient and the _sender (known as the [initiator]{.title-ref}) notifying them of the successful transfer. These notifications are known as [callbacks]{.title-ref}. Since our exchange executes a TransferFrom transition on the sell token, and since the exchange is the recipient of those tokens, we will need to specify transitions that can handle both callbacks - if we don't, then the callbacks will not be recognised, causing the entire PlaceOrder transaction to fail.

Token contracts notify the recipients of token transfers because such notifications add an extra safeguard against the risk of transferring tokens to a contract that is unable to deal with token ownership. For instance, if someone were to transfer tokens to the HelloWorld contract in the first example in this section, then the tokens would be locked forever because the HelloWorld contract is incapable of doing anything with the tokens.

Our exchange is only capable of dealing with tokens for which there is an active order, but in principle there is nothing stopping a user from transferring funds to the exchange without placing an order, so we need to ensure that the exchange is only involved in token transfers that it itself has initiated. We therefore define a procedure CheckInitiator, which throws an exception if the exchange is involved in a token transfer that it itself did not initiate, and invoke that procedure from all callback transitions:

procedure CheckInitiator(
  initiator : ByStr20)
  initiator_is_this = builtin eq initiator _this_address;
  match initiator_is_this with
  | True => (* Do nothing *)
  | False =>
    e = { _exception : "UnexpecedTransfer";
         token_address : _sender;
         initiator : initiator };
    throw e

transition RecipientAcceptTransferFrom (
  initiator : ByStr20,
  sender : ByStr20,
  recipient : ByStr20,
  amount : Uint128)
  CheckInitiator initiator

transition TransferFromSuccessCallBack (
  initiator : ByStr20,
  sender : ByStr20,
  recipient : ByStr20,
  amount : Uint128)
  CheckInitiator initiator

Matching an Order

For the MatchOrder transition we can leverage many of the helper functions and procedures defined in the previous section.

The user specifies an order he wishes to match. We then look up the order number in the active_orders map, and throw an exception if the order is not found:

transition MatchOrder(
  order_id : Uint128)
  order <- active_orders[order_id];
  match order with
  | Some (Order order_placer sell_token sell_amount buy_token buy_amount) =>
  | None =>
    e = { _exception : "UnknownOrder";
         order_id : order_id };
    throw e

In order to match the order, the matcher has to provide sufficient allowance of the buy token. This is checked by the CheckAllowance procedure we defined earlier, so we simply reuse that procedure here:

transition MatchOrder(
  order_id : Uint128)
  order <- active_orders[order_id];
  match order with
  | Some (Order order_placer sell_token sell_amount buy_token buy_amount) =>
    (* Check that the placer has allowed sufficient funds to be accessed *)
    CheckAllowance buy_token buy_amount;
  | None =>
    e = { _exception : "UnknownOrder";
         order_id : order_id };
    throw e

We now need to generate two transfer messages: One message is a TransferFrom message on the buy token, transferring the matcher's allowance to the user who placed the order, and the other message is a Transfer message on the sell token, transferring the tokens held by the exchange to the order matcher. Once again, we define helper functions to generate the messages:

library SimpleExchangeLib


let two_msgs : Message -> Message -> List Message =
  fun (msg1 : Message) =>
  fun (msg2 : Message) =>
    let first = one_msg msg1 in
    Cons { Message } msg2 first

let mk_make_order_msgs : ByStr20 -> Uint128 -> ByStr20 -> Uint128 ->
                          ByStr20 -> ByStr20 -> ByStr20 -> List Message =
  fun (token_sell_address : ByStr20) =>
  fun (sell_amount : Uint128) =>
  fun (token_buy_address : ByStr20) =>
  fun (buy_amount : Uint128) =>
  fun (this_address : ByStr20) =>
  fun (order_placer : ByStr20) =>
  fun (order_maker : ByStr20) =>
    (* Construct a Transfer messsage to transfer from exchange to maker *)
    let sell_msg = mk_transfer_msg false token_sell_address this_address order_maker sell_amount in
    (* Construct a TransferFrom messsage to transfer from maker to placer *)
    let buy_msg = mk_transfer_msg true token_buy_address order_maker order_placer buy_amount in
    (* Create a singleton list *)
    two_msgs sell_msg buy_msg


contract SimpleExchange (...)


transition MatchOrder(
  order_id : Uint128)
  order <- active_orders[order_id];
  match order with
  | Some (Order order_placer sell_token sell_amount buy_token buy_amount) =>
    (* Check that the placer has allowed sufficient funds to be accessed *)
    CheckAllowance buy_token buy_amount;
    (* Create the two transfer messages and send them *)
    msgs = mk_make_order_msgs sell_token sell_amount buy_token buy_amount _this_address order_placer _sender;
    send msgs;
  | None =>
    e = { _exception : "UnknownOrder";
         order_id : order_id };
    throw e

Since the order has now been matched, it should no longer be listed as an active order, so we delete the entry in active_orders:

transition MatchOrder(
  order_id : Uint128)
  order <- active_orders[order_id];
  match order with
  | Some (Order order_placer sell_token sell_amount buy_token buy_amount) =>
    (* Check that the placer has allowed sufficient funds to be accessed *)
    CheckAllowance buy_token buy_amount;
    (* Create the two transfer messages and send them *)
    msgs = mk_make_order_msgs sell_token sell_amount buy_token buy_amount _this_address order_placer _sender;
    send msgs;
    (* Order has now been matched, so remove it *)
    delete active_orders[order_id]
  | None =>
    e = { _exception : "UnknownOrder";
         order_id : order_id };
    throw e

This concludes the MatchOrder transition, but we need to define one additional callback transition. When placing an order we executed a TransferFrom transition, but now we also execute a Transfer transition, which gives rise to a different callback:

transition TransferSuccessCallBack (
  initiator : ByStr20,
  sender : ByStr20,
  recipient : ByStr20,
  amount : Uint128)
  (* The exchange only accepts transfers that it itself has initiated.  *)
  CheckInitiator initiator

Note that we do not need to specify a transition handling the receipt of tokens from a Transfer transition, because the exchange never executes a Transfer with itself as the recipient. By not defining the callback transition at all, we also take care of the situation where a user performs a Transfer with the exchange as the recipient, because the recipient callback won't have a matching transition on the exchange, causing the entire transfer transaction to fail.

Adding callbacks

Similar to how tokens execute callbacks whenever a transfer is performed, we will want to issue callbacks to the users and contracts that trade on our exchange. Callbacks should be issued in the following cases:

  • When an order is placed: The address placing the order should receive a callback.
  • When an order is matched: The address that placed the order and the address matching the order should each receive a callback.

We choose to only issue callbacks whenever the addresses involved are contracts. This is not strictly necessary, since a callback sent to a user address does not cause a failure, but we do this to illustrate the use of address type casts.

We add the following helper functions to the contract library. These simply construct the callback messages to the relevant addresses in the cases mentioned above:

let mk_place_order_callback_msg : ByStr20 -> ByStr20 -> Uint128 -> ByStr20 -> Uint128 -> List Message =
  fun (order_placer : ByStr20) =>
  fun (token_sell : ByStr20) =>
  fun (sell_amount : Uint128) =>
  fun (token_buy : ByStr20) =>
  fun (buy_amount : Uint128) =>
    let msg = { _recipient : order_placer;
                _tag : "PlaceOrderSuccesful";
                _amount : Uint128 0;
                selling_token : token_sell;
                selling_amount : sell_amount;
                buying_token : token_buy;
                buying_amount : buy_amount }
    one_msg msg

let mk_order_matched_callback_msg =
  fun (order_matcher : ByStr20) =>
  fun (token_sell : ByStr20) =>
  fun (sell_amount : Uint128) =>
  fun (token_buy : ByStr20) =>
  fun (buy_amount : Uint128) =>
    let msg = { _recipient : order_matcher;
                _tag : "MatchOrderSuccesful";
                _amount : Uint128 0;
                selling_token : token_sell;
                selling_amount : sell_amount;
                buying_token : token_buy;
                buying_amount : buy_amount }
    one_msg msg

let mk_placed_order_matched_callback_msg =
  fun (order_placer : ByStr20) =>
  fun (token_sell : ByStr20) =>
  fun (sell_amount : Uint128) =>
  fun (token_buy : ByStr20) =>
  fun (buy_amount : Uint128) =>
    let msg = { _recipient : order_placer;
                _tag : "PlacedOrderMatched";
                _amount : Uint128 0;
                selling_token : token_sell;
                selling_amount : sell_amount;
                buying_token : token_buy;
                buying_amount : buy_amount }
    one_msg msg

When an order is placed successfully we want to check if the placer is a contract. The way to check this is by using an [address type cast]{.title-ref}, which is done as follows:

sender_as_contract_opt <-& _sender as ByStr20 with contract end;

If _sender satisfies the address type ByStr20 with contract end, then sender_as_contract_opt will be bound to the value Some v, where v is a value that is equal to _sender, but which has the type ByStr20 with contract end. If _sender does not satisfy the type, then sender_as_contract_opt will be bound to None.

Performing this type cast allows us to issue a callback in PlaceOrder when _sender is a contract:

match sender_as_contract_opt with
| Some sender_as_contract =>
  callback_msg = mk_place_order_callback_msg _sender token_sell sell_amount token_buy buy_amount;
  send callback_msg
| None => (* Do nothing *)

We add a similar check to MatchOrder, except that here we might need to issue callbacks both to the _sender and the order placer:

match sender_as_contract_opt with
| Some sender_as_contract =>
  callback_msg = mk_order_matched_callback_msg _sender sell_token sell_amount buy_token buy_amount;
  send callback_msg
| None => (* Do nothing *)
placer_as_contract_opt <-& order_placer as ByStr20 with contract end;
match placer_as_contract_opt with
| Some placer_as_contract =>
  callback_msg = mk_placed_order_matched_callback_msg order_placer sell_token sell_amount buy_token buy_amount;
  send callback_msg
| None => (* Do nothing *)

Putting it All Together

We now have everything in place to specify the entire contract:

scilla_version 0

import IntUtils

library SimpleExchangeLib

(* Order placer, sell token, sell amount, buy token, buy amount *)
type Order =
| Order of ByStr20
           (ByStr20 with contract field allowances : Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint128) end)
           (ByStr20 with contract field allowances : Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint128) end)

(* Helper values and functions *)
let true = True
let false = False

let zero = Uint128 0
let one = Uint128 1

let one_msg : Message -> List Message =
  fun (msg : Message) =>
    let mty = Nil { Message } in
    Cons { Message } msg mty

let two_msgs : Message -> Message -> List Message =
  fun (msg1 : Message) =>
  fun (msg2 : Message) =>
    let first = one_msg msg1 in
    Cons { Message } msg2 first

let mk_transfer_msg : Bool -> ByStr20 -> ByStr20 -> ByStr20 -> Uint128 -> Message =
  fun (transfer_from : Bool) =>
  fun (token_address : ByStr20) =>
  fun (from : ByStr20) =>
  fun (to : ByStr20) =>
  fun (amount : Uint128) =>
    let tag = match transfer_from with
              | True => "TransferFrom"
              | False => "Transfer"
    { _recipient : token_address;
     _tag : tag;
     _amount : Uint128 0;  (* No Zil are transferred, only custom tokens *)
     from : from;
     to : to;
     amount : amount }

let mk_place_order_msg : ByStr20 -> ByStr20 -> ByStr20 -> Uint128 -> List Message =
  fun (token_address : ByStr20) =>
  fun (from : ByStr20) =>
  fun (to : ByStr20) =>
  fun (amount : Uint128) =>
    (* Construct a TransferFrom messsage to transfer from seller's allowance to exhange *)
    let msg = mk_transfer_msg true token_address from to amount in
    (* Create a singleton list *)
    one_msg msg

let mk_make_order_msgs : ByStr20 -> Uint128 -> ByStr20 -> Uint128 ->
                          ByStr20 -> ByStr20 -> ByStr20 -> List Message =
  fun (token_sell_address : ByStr20) =>
  fun (sell_amount : Uint128) =>
  fun (token_buy_address : ByStr20) =>
  fun (buy_amount : Uint128) =>
  fun (this_address : ByStr20) =>
  fun (order_placer : ByStr20) =>
  fun (order_maker : ByStr20) =>
    (* Construct a Transfer messsage to transfer from exchange to maker *)
    let sell_msg = mk_transfer_msg false token_sell_address this_address order_maker sell_amount in
    (* Construct a TransferFrom messsage to transfer from maker to placer *)
    let buy_msg = mk_transfer_msg true token_buy_address order_maker order_placer buy_amount in
    (* Create a singleton list *)
    two_msgs sell_msg buy_msg

(* Callback messages *)
let mk_place_order_callback_msg : ByStr20 -> ByStr20 -> Uint128 -> ByStr20 -> Uint128 -> List Message =
  fun (order_placer : ByStr20) =>
  fun (token_sell : ByStr20) =>
  fun (sell_amount : Uint128) =>
  fun (token_buy : ByStr20) =>
  fun (buy_amount : Uint128) =>
    let msg = { _recipient : order_placer;
                _tag : "PlaceOrderSuccesful";
                _amount : Uint128 0;
                selling_token : token_sell;
                selling_amount : sell_amount;
                buying_token : token_buy;
                buying_amount : buy_amount }
    one_msg msg

let mk_order_matched_callback_msg =
  fun (order_matcher : ByStr20) =>
  fun (token_sell : ByStr20) =>
  fun (sell_amount : Uint128) =>
  fun (token_buy : ByStr20) =>
  fun (buy_amount : Uint128) =>
    let msg = { _recipient : order_matcher;
                _tag : "MatchOrderSuccesful";
                _amount : Uint128 0;
                selling_token : token_sell;
                selling_amount : sell_amount;
                buying_token : token_buy;
                buying_amount : buy_amount }
    one_msg msg

let mk_placed_order_matched_callback_msg =
  fun (order_placer : ByStr20) =>
  fun (token_sell : ByStr20) =>
  fun (sell_amount : Uint128) =>
  fun (token_buy : ByStr20) =>
  fun (buy_amount : Uint128) =>
    let msg = { _recipient : order_placer;
                _tag : "PlacedOrderMatched";
                _amount : Uint128 0;
                selling_token : token_sell;
                selling_amount : sell_amount;
                buying_token : token_buy;
                buying_amount : buy_amount }
    one_msg msg

contract SimpleExchange
  initial_admin : ByStr20 with end

(* Active admin. *)
field admin : ByStr20 with end = initial_admin

(* Tokens listed on the exchange. *)
field listed_tokens :
  Map String (ByStr20 with contract
                             field allowances : Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint128)
  = Emp String (ByStr20 with contract
                               field allowances : Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint128)

(* Active orders, identified by the order number *)
field active_orders : Map Uint128 Order = Emp Uint128 Order

(* The order number to use when the next order is placed *)
field next_order_no : Uint128 = zero

procedure ThrowListingStatusException(
  token_code : String,
  expected_status : Bool,
  actual_status : Bool)
  e = { _exception : "UnexpectedListingStatus";
       token_code: token_code;
       expected : expected_status;
       actual : actual_status };
  throw e

procedure ThrowInsufficientAllowanceException(
  token : ByStr20,
  expected : Uint128,
  actual : Uint128)
  e = { _exception : "InsufficientAllowance";
       token: token;
       expected : expected;
       actual : actual };
  throw e

(* Check that _sender is the active admin.          *)
(* If not, throw an error and abort the transaction *)
procedure CheckSenderIsAdmin()
  current_admin <- admin;
  is_admin = builtin eq _sender current_admin;
  match is_admin with
  | True =>  (* Nothing to do *)
  | False =>
    (* Construct an exception object and throw it *)
    e = { _exception : "SenderIsNotAdmin" };
    throw e

(* Change the active admin *)
transition SetAdmin(
  new_admin : ByStr20 with end
  (* Only the former admin may appoint a new admin *)
  admin := new_admin

(* Check that a given token code is not already listed. If it is, throw an error. *)
procedure CheckIsTokenUnlisted(
  token_code : String
  (* Is the token code listed? *)
  token_code_is_listed <- exists listed_tokens[token_code];
  match token_code_is_listed with
  | True =>
    (* Incorrect listing status *)
    ThrowListingStatusException token_code false token_code_is_listed
  | False => (* Nothing to do *)

(* List a new token on the exchange. Only the admin may list new tokens.  *)
(* If a token code is already in use, raise an error                      *)
transition ListToken(
  token_code : String,
  new_token : ByStr20 with contract field allowances : Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint128) end
  (* Only the admin may list new tokens.  *)
  (* Only new token codes are allowed.  *)
  CheckIsTokenUnlisted token_code;
  (* Everything is ok. The token can be listed *)
  listed_tokens[token_code] := new_token

(* Check that the sender has allowed access to sufficient funds *)
procedure CheckAllowance(
  token : ByStr20 with contract field allowances : Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint128) end,
  expected : Uint128
  actual_opt <-& token.allowances[_sender][_this_address];
  (* Find actual allowance. Use 0 if None is given *)
  actual = match actual_opt with
           | Some x => x
           | None => zero
  is_sufficient = uint128_le expected actual;
  match is_sufficient with
  | True => (* Nothing to do *)
  | False =>
    ThrowInsufficientAllowanceException token expected actual

procedure AddOrder(
  order : Order
  (* Get the next order number *)
  order_no <- next_order_no;
  (* Add the order *)
  active_orders[order_no] := order;
  (* Update the next_order_no field *)
  new_order_no = builtin add order_no one;
  next_order_no := new_order_no

(* Place an order on the exchange *)
transition PlaceOrder(
  token_code_sell : String,
  sell_amount : Uint128,
  token_code_buy: String,
  buy_amount : Uint128
  (* Check that the tokens are listed *)
  token_sell_opt <- listed_tokens[token_code_sell];
  token_buy_opt <- listed_tokens[token_code_buy];
  match token_sell_opt with
  | Some token_sell =>
    match token_buy_opt with
    | Some token_buy =>
      (* Check that the placer has allowed sufficient funds to be accessed *)
      CheckAllowance token_sell sell_amount;
      (* Transfer the sell tokens to the exchange for holding. Construct a TransferFrom message to the token contract. *)
      msg = mk_place_order_msg token_sell _sender _this_address sell_amount;
      (* Send message when the transition completes. *)
      send msg;
      (* Create order and add to list of active orders  *)
      order = Order _sender token_sell sell_amount token_buy buy_amount;
      AddOrder order;
      (* Do a callback if the placer is a contract *)
      sender_as_contract_opt <-& _sender as ByStr20 with contract end;
      match sender_as_contract_opt with
      | Some sender_as_contract =>
        callback_msg = mk_place_order_callback_msg _sender token_sell sell_amount token_buy buy_amount;
        send callback_msg
      | None => (* Do nothing *)
    | None =>
      (* Unlisted token *)
      ThrowListingStatusException token_code_buy true false
  | None =>
    (* Unlisted token *)
    ThrowListingStatusException token_code_sell true false

transition MatchOrder(
  order_id : Uint128)
  order <- active_orders[order_id];
  match order with
  | Some (Order order_placer sell_token sell_amount buy_token buy_amount) =>
    (* Check that the placer has allowed sufficient funds to be accessed *)
    CheckAllowance buy_token buy_amount;
    (* Create the two transfer messages and send them *)
    msgs = mk_make_order_msgs sell_token sell_amount buy_token buy_amount _this_address order_placer _sender;
    send msgs;
    (* Order has now been matched, so remove it *)
    delete active_orders[order_id];
    (* Do callbacks if the matcher or the placer were contracts *)
    sender_as_contract_opt <-& _sender as ByStr20 with contract end;
    match sender_as_contract_opt with
    | Some sender_as_contract =>
      callback_msg = mk_order_matched_callback_msg _sender sell_token sell_amount buy_token buy_amount;
      send callback_msg
    | None => (* Do nothing *)
    placer_as_contract_opt <-& order_placer as ByStr20 with contract end;
    match placer_as_contract_opt with
    | Some placer_as_contract =>
      callback_msg = mk_placed_order_matched_callback_msg order_placer sell_token sell_amount buy_token buy_amount;
      send callback_msg
    | None => (* Do nothing *)
  | None =>
    e = { _exception : "UnknownOrder";
         order_id : order_id };
    throw e

procedure CheckInitiator(
  initiator : ByStr20)
  initiator_is_this = builtin eq initiator _this_address;
  match initiator_is_this with
  | True => (* Do nothing *)
  | False =>
    e = { _exception : "UnexpecedTransfer";
         token_address : _sender;
         initiator : initiator };
    throw e

transition RecipientAcceptTransferFrom (
  initiator : ByStr20,
  sender : ByStr20,
  recipient : ByStr20,
  amount : Uint128)
  (* The exchange only accepts transfers that it itself has initiated.  *)
  CheckInitiator initiator

transition TransferFromSuccessCallBack (
  initiator : ByStr20,
  sender : ByStr20,
  recipient : ByStr20,
  amount : Uint128)
  (* The exchange only accepts transfers that it itself has initiated.  *)
  CheckInitiator initiator

transition TransferSuccessCallBack (
  initiator : ByStr20,
  sender : ByStr20,
  recipient : ByStr20,
  amount : Uint128)
  (* The exchange only accepts transfers that it itself has initiated.  *)
  CheckInitiator initiator

As mentioned in the introduction we have kept the exchange simplistic in order to keep the focus on Scilla features.

To further familiarise themselves with Scilla we encourage the reader to add additional features such as unlisting of tokens, cancellation of orders, orders with expiry time, prioritising orders so that the order matcher gets the best deal possible, partial matching of orders, securing the exchange against abuse, fees for trading on the exchange, etc..