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A RumorManager library is available in the Zilliqa core to support message gossiping between nodes.


  • The goal is to provide an alternative communication method to broadcasting, particularly in large-scale clusters.
  • The broadcasting implemented in P2PComm::SendBroadcastMessage is resource-hungry; it sends O(n^2) messages, requires a lot of threads, and opens too many TCP connections.
  • The gossip algorithm, described in detail in this paper, provides a method to spread a message in O(logn) rounds and O(ln(ln(n))) rumor messages (where n is the number of peers participating in the gossip).
  • RumorManager plays the role of managing all the gossips/rumors and their states.


The following interfaces are exposed for a node to enable gossiping messages in the network.


Every node in the network intializes RumorManager with the list of peers from their own shard or committee at the start of a new DS epoch (or after a successful view change).

Initialization involves the following:

  • Storing peer list
  • Storing public keys of the peers in the peer list, the DS committee members, and lookup nodes
  • Storing the node's own peer information and key pair
  • Starting of rounds (that runs a loop every ROUND_TIME_IN_MS ms), which includes:
  • Checking the state of every rumor in RumorHolder and sending to MAX_NEIGHBORS_PER_ROUND random peers (if the rumor is not old enough).
  • RumorHolder monitors/changes the state of each rumor it holds using the Median Counter algorithm (as explained in Section 3 of the whitepaper) for every round.


This enables the node to initiate the rumor to be gossiped with its peer list. It will basically add the rumor to RumorHolder, which in turn manages its states and further gossiping.


This enables the node to initiate spreading of the rumor received from a node that is not part of its peer list (hence, "foreign"). It verifies the sender node against all the public keys stored during the initialization of RumorManager.


Stops the gossip round, thereby stopping the gossiping of rumors to peers.

Rumor State Machine

The rumor state machine is managed by RumorHolder.

Every rumor will be in one of following states at any time:

  • NEW: The peer v knows r and counter(v,r) = m (age/round)
  • KNOWN: Cooling state; stay in this state for m_maxRounds rounds, and participate in rumor spreading
  • OLD: Final state; member stops participating in rumor spreading

Every rumor starts in the NEW state. It either stays in this state, or moves on to KNOWN or OLD state immediately or in successive rounds based on the algorithm mentioned in the whitepaper. Every rumor is tied up with the round (consider it as the rumor age).

A rumor is configured to stay in NEW and KNOWN state for a maximum of <MAX_ROUNDS_IN_BSTATE> and <MAX_ROUNDS_IN_CSTATE>, respectively. The total rounds is configured to not exceed <MAX_TOTAL_ROUNDS>, after which the rumor is marked as OLD. These settings are found in the node's constants file, like thus:


Gossip Message Format

Field Description
START_BYTE_GOSSIP 0x33 (indicates gossip message type)
HDR Message header
GOSSIP_MSGTYPE See next section
GOSSIP_ROUND Rumor age (as per sender of message)
GOSSIP_SNDR_PORT Listening port of sender
PUB_KEY Sender's public key
SIGNATURE Signature over the payload
Payload Rumor to be gossiped

Optimized Pull-Push Mechanism

GOSSIP_MSGTYPE can refer to any of the following:

  • PUSH (0x01): The response to a PULL request. The payload contains the raw message. It is sent out to the requesting peer.
  • PULL (0x02): The request for the raw message for a given hash. The payload contains the hash. It is sent out in response to the node who sent LAZY_PUSH or LAZY_PULL.
  • EMPTY_PUSH (0x03): This is sent out at every round to random neighbors if the node does not have any active rumors in its store. It indicates asking for any rumors from the node's neighbors. The payload contains unused dummy data.
  • EMPTY_PULL (0x04): This is sent out to the sender of EMPTY_PULL or LAZY_PULL to indicate that it doesn't have any active rumors either. The payload contains unused dummy data.
  • FORWARD (0x05): A special type that indicates that the message being sent out is from a foreign peer. This means the sender does not belong to the current shard or committee. Normally it is sent from a lookup to a shard or DS committee node, or between a shard node and DS committee node (in either direction).
  • LAZY_PUSH (0x06): This is sent out at every round to random neighbors for each active rumor in its store. The payload contains the hash of the raw message intended to be gossiped.
  • LAZY_PULL (0x07): The response to the sender if it is the first time that sender has sent a LAZY_PUSH/EMPTY_PUSH message during this round. The payload contains the hash of the raw message.


Every gossip message is signed, and the signature is verified before being accepted.

Through the messages above, the standard Push-Pull mechanism is optimized by gossiping the hashes using EMPTY_* and LAZY_* and fetching the actual raw messages using PUSH and PULL.

So, LAZY_PUSH and LAZY_PULL are the backbone for gossiping of hashes, and are the only gossip messages that have a valid GOSSIP_ROUND for their underlying rumor (i.e., the hash). For the other message types, GOSSIP_ROUND is just set to -1 since it has no use in these types.

Message Subscription

Due to the nature of quick gossip, it's possible that a node might have just the hash and not the raw message yet at a particular point in time. In such cases, if the node receives a PULL message for that hash, it adds that node to a subscription list. As soon as the node receives the raw message for that hash, it then sends it out to all the peers in the subscription list.