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The end result of any consensus round is basically the generation of an EC-Schnorr signature that is the product of co-signing the consensus data by ⅔+1 of the participants.

This section briefly describes how multisignatures are implemented and used in the Zilliqa core. For more information on how multisignatures work, refer to the Zilliqa whitepaper.

Generating the Multisignature within Consensus

  1. Leader sends out announcement message, which includes the data to co-sign
  2. Backup generates a commit point and commit secret, and sends back the commit point
  3. Leader aggregates all the received commit points
  4. Leader generates and sends out challenge = function(aggregated commit points, aggregated public keys, data to co-sign)
  5. Backup re-generates the same challenge on its end and verifies equality
  6. Backup generates and sends back response = function(commit secret, challenge, private key)
  7. Leader verifies each response as function(response, challenge, public key, commit point)
  8. Leader generates and sends out signature = function(challenge, aggregated responses)
  9. Both leader and backups verify signature as function(signature, data to co-sign, aggregated public keys)

Implementation Details

The cryptographic components needed for multisignatures are implemented across Schnorr.h and MultiSig.h.

One can think of Schnorr::Sign as being the unilateral equivalent of the co-signing that is achieved through the aggregation of each participant's CommitPoint, Response, and PubKey components, as well as the indirect use of each participant's PrivKey and CommitSecret in the process of generating those components.

In fact, you will notice that MultiSig::MultiSigVerify is implemented almost the same as Schnorr::Verify (with the exception of an added byte for domain separated hash function). This shows that while co-signing is done through some aggregation magic, in the end a multisignature is still a Schnorr signature and can be verified as such.

Domain-separated Hash Functions

Hashing operations within the consensus protocol are separated into three distinct domains. The "separation" refers to the integration of unique byte values into hash operations across different points of the consensus, to effectively carve out domains during the consensus.

  1. The first domain-separated hash function basically refers to the node submitting its PoW and its public key, or what we now refer to as the Proof-of-Possession (PoP) phase. While no behavioral change is done in the code for the PoW stage, we created a wrapper function MultiSig::SignKey to emphasize that by signing the public key, the node is effectively presenting proof of possessing the private key.
  2. The second domain-separated hash function refers to the backup having to send the hash of the commit point alongside the commit point itself. To achieve this, the data structure CommitPointHash was added to MultiSig.h. The commit point hash is generated over a single byte (0x01) plus the commit point.
  3. The third domain-separated hash function refers to the leader introducing another byte (0x11) into the hash operation during the generation of the challenge value.