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Reading Contract States

In this section, we will cover a few read operations that are useful from a delegator's perspective. These are:

In order to read the above information from the smart contract, you should use the GetSmartContractSubState API by querying it from the ssnlist smart contract.

Getting the Current List of SSNs


  • Address of ssnlist smart contract
  • ssnlist
curl -d '{
    "id": "1",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "GetSmartContractSubState",
    "params": ["<ssnlist contract address>","ssnlist",[]]
}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "<api endpoint>"


Map of SSN with the corresponding SSN data type

Map SSN address -> SSN data type

  "id": "1",
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "ssnlist": {
      "<ssn addr>": {
        "argtypes": [],
        "arguments": [
            "argtypes": [],
            "arguments": [],
            "constructor": "<ActiveStatus>"
          "<name of ssn>",
          "<staking api url>",
          "<api url>",
          "<buffered deposit>",
          "<comission rate>",
          "<commssion rewards>",
          "<ssn commission receiving address>"

Getting the List of Delegators for a SSN


  • Address of ssnlist smart contract
  • ssn_deleg_amt
  • Address of SSN


curl -d '{
    "id": "1",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "GetSmartContractSubState",
    "params": ["<ssnlist contract addresss>","ssn_deleg_amt",["0x<address of SSN>"]]
}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "<api endpoint>"


Map SSN addreess -> Map delegator address stake deposit amount


{ "<ssn address>": { "<delegator address>": "<stake deposit amount>" } }

Getting the Delegator's Buffered Deposit


  • Address of ssnlist smart contract
  • buff_deposit_deleg
  • Address of delegator


curl -d '{
>     "id": "1",
>     "jsonrpc": "2.0",
>     "method": "GetSmartContractSubState",
>     "params": ["<ssnlist contract address>","buff_deposit_deleg",["0x<address of delegator>"]]
> }' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "<api endpoint>"


Map of ssn address with the value being a map of cycle number and the buffered deposit at that particular cycle number

Map SSN address -> Map Cycle number buffered deposit amount in Qa


Cycle number refers to the cycle number of the smart contract when the deposit was submitted to buffered deposit.


{ "<ssn address>": { "<cycle number>": "<deposit amount>" } }

Getting the Delegator's Stake Amount


  • Address of ssnlist smart contract
  • deposit_amt_deleg
  • Address of delegator


curl -d '{
>     "id": "1",
>     "jsonrpc": "2.0",
>     "method": "GetSmartContractSubState",
>     "params": ["<ssn contract address>","deposit_amt_deleg",["<delegator address>"]]
> }' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "api endpoint"


Map consisting of SSN address and the corresponding delegated amount for a particular delegator

Map ssn address -> delegated amount

{ "<ssn addr>": "<delegated amount>", "<ssn addr>": "<delegated amount>" }

Getting the Delegator's Stake Reward

Coming soon

Getting the Delegator's Reward History

Coming soon

Getting the Delegator's Pending Stake Withdrawal Request


  • Address of ssnlist smart contract
  • withdrawal_pending
  • Address of delegator


curl -d '{
    "id": "1",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "GetSmartContractSubState",
    "params": ["<ssnlist contract address>","withdrawal_pending",["0x<address of delegator>"]]
}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "<api endpoint>"


Map consisting of the epoch number when the withdrawal was initiated and the corresponding amount to withdraw

Map epoch number -> Pending withdrawal amount

  "<epoch number>": "<amount (Qa) to be withdrawn>",
  "<epoch number>": "<amount (Qa) to be withdrawn>"

Getting Delegation History

Coming soon