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Get Tx

Returns the details of a specified Transaction.

Example Request

curl -d '{
    "id": "1",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "GetTransaction",
    "params": ["cd8727674bc05e0ede405597a218164e1c13c7103b9d0ba43586785f3d8cede5"]
}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST ""
const txn = await zilliqa.blockchain.getTransaction(
public class App {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        HttpProvider client = new HttpProvider("");
        Rep<Transaction> transaction = client.getTransaction("cd8727674bc05e0ede405597a218164e1c13c7103b9d0ba43586785f3d8cede5");
        System.out.println(new Gson().toJson(transaction));
from pyzil.zilliqa import chain
func GetTransaction() {
    provider := NewProvider("")
    response := provider.GetTransaction("cd8727674bc05e0ede405597a218164e1c13c7103b9d0ba43586785f3d8cede5")
    result, _ := json.Marshal(response)

Example Response

// Note: If the transaction is a for payment.
  "id": "1",
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "ID": "cd8727674bc05e0ede405597a218164e1c13c7103b9d0ba43586785f3d8cede5",
    "amount": "24999000000000",
    "gasLimit": "50",
    "gasPrice": "1000000000",
    "nonce": "1",
    "receipt": {
      "cumulative_gas": "1",
      "epoch_num": "589763",
      "success": true
    "senderPubKey": "0x0347B5C6833ABD2AC0A6A7D85CF6BD0CC18084F6260B0C9DD2D491015BF2D47862",
    "signature": "0x593454623A6CE0FEA287E42583445B140F696F79CA508762B8AB44F202686CFA115A2AC36C31E643C9EB0D46A4E6CA8C4EEFD78D7E9A25220DC512C13C9600F0",
    "toAddr": "9148616bfdfab321bdd626682a8c446e193eabb2",
    "version": "65537"
// Note: If the transaction is for contract deployment.
  "id": "1",
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "ID": "f9170f9661a2ec5a90e6701618ba38d76257c00a1e5848d8f541e1ef52d11ede",
    "amount": "0",
    "code": "scilla_version 0\n\nimport BoolUtils IntUtils\n\n(* Twitter contract *)\n\n(***************************************************)\n(*               Associated library                *)\n(***************************************************)\nlibrary SocialPay\n\nlet one_msg =\n    fun (msg : Message) =>\n    let nil_msg = Nil {Message} in\n    Cons {Message} msg nil_msg\n\nlet two_msgs =\nfun (msg1 : Message) =>\nfun (msg2 : Message) =>\n  let msgs_tmp = one_msg msg2 in\n  Cons {Message} msg1 msgs_tmp\n\nlet is_valid_substring =\n  fun (tweet_text : String) =>\n  fun (start_pos : Uint32) =>\n  fun (hashtag_len : Uint32) =>\n    let string_length = builtin strlen tweet_text in\n    let valid_start_pos = builtin lt start_pos string_length in\n    let end_pos = builtin add start_pos hashtag_len in\n    let valid_end_pos = uint32_le end_pos string_length in\n    andb valid_start_pos valid_end_pos\n\n(* Error events *)\ntype Error =\n  | CodeNotAuthorized\n  | CodeRegisteredWithinWeek\n  | CodeUserNotRegistered\n  | CodeTweetAlreadyExists\n  | CodeTweetNotValid\n  | CodeTweetWithinDay\n\nlet make_error =\n  fun (result : Error) =>\n    let result_code = \n      match result with\n      | CodeNotAuthorized        => Int32 -1\n      | CodeRegisteredWithinWeek => Int32 -2\n      | CodeUserNotRegistered    => Int32 -3\n      | CodeTweetAlreadyExists   => Int32 -4\n      | CodeTweetNotValid        => Int32 -5\n      | CodeTweetWithinDay       => Int32 -6\n      end\n    in\n    { _exception : \"Error\"; code : result_code }\n\nlet tt = True\n\n(***************************************************)\n(*             The contract definition             *)\n(***************************************************)\n\ncontract SocialPay\n(\n    owner: ByStr20,\n    hashtag: String,\n    zils_per_tweet : Uint128,\n    blocks_per_day : Uint32,\n    blocks_per_week : Uint32,\n    donation_address : ByStr20\n)\n\n(* Map of tweet_id to recipient address *)\nfield verified_tweets: Map String ByStr20 = Emp String ByStr20\n\n(* Map of twitter_id to last withdraw block number *)\nfield last_withdrawal: Map String BNum = Emp String BNum\n\n(* Map of address to bool status of admin *)\nfield admins: Map ByStr20 Bool = Emp ByStr20 Bool\n\n(* Map of twitter_id to recipient address *)\nfield registered_users: Map String ByStr20 = Emp String ByStr20\n\n(* Emit Errors *)\nprocedure ThrowError(err: Error)\n  e = make_error err;\n  throw e\nend\n\nprocedure IsOwner(address: ByStr20)\n  is_owner = builtin eq address owner;\n  match is_owner with\n  | True =>\n  | False =>\n    err = CodeNotAuthorized;\n    ThrowError err\n  end\nend\n\nprocedure IsAdmin()\n  is_admin <- exists admins[_sender];\n  match is_admin with\n  | True =>\n  | False =>\n    err = CodeNotAuthorized;\n    ThrowError err\n  end\nend\n\nprocedure ConfigureAdmin(admin_address: ByStr20)\n  is_admin <- exists admins[admin_address];\n  match is_admin with\n  | True =>\n      delete admins[admin_address];\n      e = {_eventname : \"DeletedAdmin\"; admin_address: admin_address};\n      event e\n  | False =>\n      admins[admin_address] := tt;\n      e = {_eventname : \"AddedAdmin\"; admin_address: admin_address};\n      event e\n  end\nend\n\n(* Only owner can deposit ZIL *)\ntransition Deposit()\n  IsOwner _sender;\n  accept;\n  e = {_eventname : \"DepositSuccessful\"; sender: _sender; deposit_amount: _amount};\n  event e\nend\n\ntransition ConfigureAdmins(admin_addresses: List ByStr20)\n  IsOwner _sender;\n  forall admin_addresses ConfigureAdmin\nend\n\ntransition ConfigureUsers(twitter_id: String, recipient_address: ByStr20)\n  IsAdmin;\n  is_registered <- exists registered_users[twitter_id];\n  match is_registered with\n  | True =>\n      current_block <- & BLOCKNUMBER;\n      withdrawal <- last_withdrawal[twitter_id];\n      not_next_week_yet =\n          match withdrawal with\n          | Some last_withdraw_block =>\n              let next_week_block = builtin badd last_withdraw_block blocks_per_week in\n              builtin blt current_block next_week_block\n          | None =>\n              False\n          end;\n      match not_next_week_yet with\n      | True =>\n          err = CodeRegisteredWithinWeek;\n          ThrowError err\n      | False =>\n          registered_users[twitter_id] := recipient_address;\n          e = {_eventname : \"ConfiguredUserAddress\"; twitter_id: twitter_id; recipient_address: recipient_address};\n          event e\n      end\n  | False =>\n      registered_users[twitter_id] := recipient_address;\n      e = {_eventname : \"ConfiguredUserAddress\"; twitter_id: twitter_id; recipient_address: recipient_address};\n      event e\n  end\nend\n\n(* Only admins can call this transition                                         *)\n(* The following conditions are checked for (in that order):                    *)\n(*   1. Owner initiates the transition.                                         *)\n(*   2. The tweeter is already registered in the app his/her wallet             *)\n(*   3. The tweet hasn't been awarded before.                                   *)\n(*   4. Substring specs (start_pos) is valid.                                   *)\n(*   5. The substring matches the preset hashtag.                               *)\n(*   6. Sufficient time (blocks) have passed since the user was awarded before. *)\ntransition VerifyTweet (twitter_id: String, tweet_id: String, tweet_text: String, start_pos: Uint32)\n  IsAdmin;\n  get_recipient_address <- registered_users[twitter_id];\n  match get_recipient_address with\n  | None =>\n      err = CodeUserNotRegistered;\n      ThrowError err\n  | Some recipient_address =>\n      already_verified <- exists verified_tweets[tweet_id];\n      not_already_verified = negb already_verified;\n      hashtag_len = builtin strlen hashtag;\n      valid_substring = is_valid_substring tweet_text start_pos hashtag_len;\n      is_valid = andb valid_substring not_already_verified;\n      match is_valid with\n      | False =>\n          match already_verified with\n          | True =>\n              err = CodeTweetAlreadyExists;\n              ThrowError err\n          | False =>\n              err = CodeTweetNotValid;\n              ThrowError err\n          end\n      | True =>\n          match_hashtag = builtin substr tweet_text start_pos hashtag_len;\n          is_hashtag = builtin eq match_hashtag hashtag;\n          match is_hashtag with\n          | False =>\n              err = CodeTweetNotValid;\n              ThrowError err\n          | True =>\n              withdrawal <- last_withdrawal[twitter_id];\n              current_block <- & BLOCKNUMBER;\n              not_next_day_yet =\n                  match withdrawal with\n                  | Some last_withdraw_block =>\n                      let next_day_block = builtin badd last_withdraw_block blocks_per_day in\n                      builtin blt current_block next_day_block\n                  | None =>\n                      False\n                  end;\n              match not_next_day_yet with\n              | True =>\n                  err = CodeTweetWithinDay;\n                  ThrowError err\n              | False =>\n                  verified_tweets[tweet_id] := recipient_address;\n                  last_withdrawal[twitter_id] := current_block;\n                  e = {\n                          _eventname : \"VerifyTweetSuccessful\";\n                          sender: _sender;\n                          recipient: recipient_address;\n                          twitter_id: twitter_id;\n                          tweet_id: tweet_id;\n                          reward_amount: zils_per_tweet;\n                          matched_donation: zils_per_tweet\n                      };\n                  event e;\n                  msg_to_recipient = { \n                    _tag: \"\";\n                    _recipient: recipient_address;\n                    _amount: zils_per_tweet \n                  };\n                  msg_to_donation = {\n                    _tag: \"\";\n                    _recipient: donation_address;\n                    _amount: zils_per_tweet\n                  };\n                  msgs = two_msgs msg_to_recipient msg_to_donation;\n                  send msgs\n              end\n          end\n      end\n  end\nend\n\ntransition ReturnFund ()\n  IsOwner _sender;\n  current_bal <- _balance;\n  e = {\n    _eventname : \"ReturnFundSuccessful\";\n    returned_amount: current_bal\n  };\n  event e;\n  msg = {\n      _tag       : \"\";\n      _recipient : owner;\n      _amount    : current_bal\n  };\n  msgs = one_msg msg;\n  send msgs\nend",
    "data": "[{\"vname\":\"owner\",\"value\":\"0xf1a3d56321D6C0C9825bf3c34CB843719e99cBCA\",\"type\":\"ByStr20\"},{\"vname\":\"hashtag\",\"value\":\"#zilcovidheroes\",\"type\":\"String\"},{\"vname\":\"zils_per_tweet\",\"value\":\"25000000000000\",\"type\":\"Uint128\"},{\"vname\":\"blocks_per_day\",\"value\":\"1600\",\"type\":\"Uint32\"},{\"vname\":\"blocks_per_week\",\"value\":\"1600\",\"type\":\"Uint32\"},{\"vname\":\"donation_address\",\"value\":\"0x7AEB68fc38B29387D2e100db1E42c883C0519548\",\"type\":\"ByStr20\"},{\"vname\":\"_scilla_version\",\"type\":\"Uint32\",\"value\":\"0\"}]",
    "gasLimit": "25000",
    "gasPrice": "1000000000",
    "nonce": "9",
    "receipt": {
      "cumulative_gas": "10481",
      "epoch_num": "586524",
      "success": true
    "senderPubKey": "0x020B94FDA851E2BF9392FF13D7CA33B417C5B95BCD0965238FF5074B7C8D31BC0D",
    "signature": "0x16196121EFEA86C9D91102EA200F02C88744E82B886C7AF72256F18615ADEE38EC18AFEE2739615896C5306F3C2642AA98CDFE113AC64A55981BBC2C82D31592",
    "toAddr": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "version": "65537"
// Note: If the transaction is for contract call.
  "id": "1",
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "ID": "52605cee6955b3d14f5478927a90977b305325aff4ae0a2f9dbde758e7b92ad4",
    "amount": "50000000000000",
    "data": "{\"_tag\":\"sendFunds\",\"params\":[{\"vname\":\"accountValues\",\"type\":\"List (AccountValue)\",\"value\":[{\"constructor\":\"AccountValue\",\"argtypes\":[],\"arguments\":[\"0xc0e28525e9d329156e16603b9c1b6e4a9c7ed813\",\"50000000000000\"]}]}]}",
    "gasLimit": "25000",
    "gasPrice": "1000000000",
    "nonce": "3816",
    "receipt": {
      "accepted": true,
      "cumulative_gas": "878",
      "epoch_num": "589742",
      "success": true,
      "transitions": [
          "addr": "0x9a65df55b2668a0f9f5f749267cb351a37e1f3d9",
          "depth": 0,
          "msg": {
            "_amount": "50000000000000",
            "_recipient": "0xc0e28525e9d329156e16603b9c1b6e4a9c7ed813",
            "_tag": "onFundsReceived",
            "params": []
    "senderPubKey": "0x03DE40DF885B0E334D53FF5E5554589AAF46F2339FEBEE93213F2CCE52D1F488F4",
    "signature": "0xB19AB66C4410EE4833A9C5DEE600471DB4D711F6B61D2312988E6E70CC655409F18BB42BB6940B6263C8EA5CE08CAEC06111BDF19BE00D7E15F25515CAA45DAA",
    "toAddr": "9a65df55b2668a0f9f5f749267cb351a37e1f3d9",
    "version": "65537"
// Note: If the transaction has failed.
  "id": "1",
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "ID": "9b00b3b7d80dfb3818a6aaab0cb6fd3822b1bd7b3c6d5c6260579d12ae631a96",
    "amount": "0",
    "data": "{\"_tag\":\"ConfigureUsers\",\"params\":[{\"vname\":\"twitter_id\",\"type\":\"String\",\"value\":\"111111111\"},{\"vname\":\"recipient_address\",\"type\":\"ByStr20\",\"value\":\"0xAA9AC51920c75bDe16C8c27E529eDaFfcb15f530\"}]}",
    "gasLimit": "9000",
    "gasPrice": "1000000000",
    "nonce": "8260",
    "receipt": {
      "cumulative_gas": "1220",
      "epoch_num": "588004",
      "errors": {
        "0": [7]
      "exceptions": [
          "line": 87,
          "message": "Exception thrown: (Message [(_exception : (String \"Error\")) ; (code : (Int32 -2))])"
          "line": 100,
          "message": "Raised from IsAdmin"
          "line": 137,
          "message": "Raised from ConfigureUsers"
      "success": false
    "senderPubKey": "0x037B1722AAE35694A9F6E6C57DF5DD1274CBF568463AB50CEB6CBAD18C9BE291AA",
    "signature": "0x26676494B528757E602943DD2524277ED3850FE3F8E1060E8F36D8E18B5CB6D347698DB00DF0DD2C6786594BF420585ECA30D030C56FE946574AAD59456F110B",
    "toAddr": "7587a6d9b4def93c9c02475f5854c45eb4d9dac4",
    "version": "65537"

HTTP Request

Chain(s) URL(s)
Zilliqa mainnet
Developer testnet
Local testnet http://localhost:4201/
Isolated server


Parameter Type Required Description
id string Required "1"
jsonrpc string Required "2.0"
method string Required "GetTransaction"
params string Required Transaction hash of 32 bytes of a specified transaction.