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Create a new Transaction object and send it to the network to be processed.

Transaction Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
version number Required (MSG_VERSION & 0xffff) | (chain_id << 16). MSG_VERSION is 1.

- For proto-mainnet, it is 131073.
- For proto-testnet, it is 21954561.
nonce number Required Transaction nonce. The value should be current account nonce + 1. Zilliqa-native nonces start at 1.
toAddr string Required Recipient's account address. For Zilliqa 2, this need not be checksummed and can be either a hex address (4BAF5faDA8e5Db92C3d3242618c5B47133AE003C) with or without a leading 0x and with or without a checksum, or a bech32 address (zil1fwh4ltdguhde9s7nysnp33d5wye6uqpugufkz7). For deploying new contracts, set this to "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000".
amount string Required Transaction amount to be sent to the recipent's address. This is measured in the smallest price unit Qa (or 10^-12 Zil) in Zilliqa.
pubKey string Required Sender's public key of 33 bytes, in hex, without leading 0x.
gasPrice string Required An amount that a sender is willing to pay per unit of gas for processing this transaction. This is measured in the smallest price unit Qa (or 10^-12 Zil) in Zilliqa.
gasLimit string Required Gas limit, in gas units.
code string Optional When deploying a new smart contract, the code for the contract. Otherwise, empty or absent.
data string Optional String-ified JSON object specifying the transition parameters to be passed to a specified smart contract.

- When creating a contract, this JSON object contains the init parameters.
- When calling a contract, this JSON object contains the msg parameters.

For more information on the Scilla interpreter, please visit the documentation.
signature string Required A hex-encoded, no prefixing 0x, EC-Schnorr signature of 64 bytes of the entire Transaction object; see below.

Additional fields may be specified, but will be ignored.

Signature computation

To compute the signature of a transaction, we first encode the transaction as a protobuf using the declaration:

message ProtoTransactionCoreInfo
    uint32 version         = 1;
    oneof oneof2 { uint64 nonce = 2; }
    bytes toaddr           = 3;
    ByteArray senderpubkey = 4;
    ByteArray amount       = 5;
    ByteArray gasprice     = 6;
    uint64 gaslimit        = 7;
    oneof oneof8 { bytes code = 8; }
    oneof oneof9 { bytes data = 9; }

Byte arrays are stored big endian. Take the encoding of this structure and call it msgBytes. Examples of protobuf encoding can be obtained from the Zilliqa rust (zilliqa-rs), golang (gozilliqa-sdk) and Javascript (zilliqa-js) SDKs.

Now take the public key as bytes, publicKeyBytes.

Invent a random k, and in secp256k1, with G the generator of the group and N its modulus and using '.' for concatenation and '*' for multiplication, compute:

Q = compress( k * G )
r = SHA256( Q . publicKeyBytes . msgBytes ) mod N
s = k - (r * privateKey)

Now represent r and s as big-endian 0-padded 32-byte byte arrays, and concatenate them - r . s - to form an EC-Schnorr signature for the transaction, encode it in hex with no leading 0x, and put it in the signature field eg. 9fe2d73db6cc4635c54dfdeb6c6965ed14a172ac5ba4dc77f9bdfe230394d62b47c8c5702cb757b460b2fc407090ed2c1d6732855ac891fea46ca3e86ab6ec4a.

Parameter validation

Zilliqa 1 validates at least the following on transaction submission:

  1. The toAddr must have an ethereum or Zilliqa checksum (see the overview page for a description).
  2. It's not possible to send a transfer transaction to a contract.
  3. The destination address for a contract transaction must exist and must be a contract.

We validate only the first of these, since it is not in general possible to know what the state of the blockchain will be when a transaction is executed.

Example Request

With private key 0x2:

    curl -d '{
        "id": "1",
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "method": "CreateTransaction",
        "params": [
            "amount": "10000000",
            "code": "",
            "data": "",
            "gasLimit": "50000",
            "gasPrice": "2000000016",
            "nonce": 4,
            "priority": false,
            "pubKey": "02c6047f9441ed7d6d3045406e95c07cd85c778e4b8cef3ca7abac09b95c709ee5",
            "signature": "9fe2d73db6cc4635c54dfdeb6c6965ed14a172ac5ba4dc77f9bdfe230394d62b47c8c5702cb757b460b2fc407090ed2c1d6732855ac891fea46ca3e86ab6ec4a",
            "toAddr": "4BAF5faDA8e5Db92C3d3242618c5B47133AE003C",
            "version": 45875201
    }' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST ""
let tx ={
  version: 65537,
  toAddr: "0x4BAF5faDA8e5Db92C3d3242618c5B47133AE003C",
  amount: units.toQa("1", units.Units.Zil),
  gasPrice: units.toQa("2000", units.Units.Li),
  gasLimit: Long.fromNumber(50),

// Send a transaction to the network
tx = await zilliqa.blockchain.createTransaction(tx);
public class App {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        Wallet wallet = new Wallet();
        wallet.setProvider(new HttpProvider(""));
        Transaction transaction = Transaction.builder()
                .version(String.valueOf(pack(1, 8)))
                .provider(new HttpProvider(""))
        transaction = wallet.sign(transaction);
        // Send a transaction to the network
        HttpProvider.CreateTxResult result = TransactionFactory.createTransaction(transaction);
from pyzil.account import Account
from pyzil.zilliqa import chain

account = Account(private_key="0xe19d05c5452598e24caad4a0d85a49146f7be089515c905ae6a19e8a578a6930")

payload = {
    "to_addr": "0x4BAF5faDA8e5Db92C3d3242618c5B47133AE003C",
    "amount": "1000000000000",
    "nonce": account.get_nonce() + 1,
    "gas_price": "2000000000",
    "gas_limit": 50,
    "code": "",
    "data": "",
    "priority": False,

params = chain.active_chain.build_transaction_params(account.zil_key, **payload)
txn_info = chain.active_chain.api.CreateTransaction(params)
func SendTransaction() {
    wallet := NewWallet()
    provider := provider2.NewProvider("")

    tx := &transaction.Transaction{
        Version:      strconv.FormatInt(int64(util.Pack(1, 1)), 10),
        SenderPubKey: "0246E7178DC8253201101E18FD6F6EB9972451D121FC57AA2A06DD5C111E58DC6A",
        ToAddr:       "4BAF5faDA8e5Db92C3d3242618c5B47133AE003C",
        Amount:       "10000000",
        GasPrice:     "2000000000",
        GasLimit:     "50",
        Code:         "",
        Data:         "",
        Priority:     false,

    err := wallet.Sign(tx, *provider)
    if err != nil {

    rsp := provider.CreateTransaction(tx.ToTransactionPayload())

    if rsp.Error != nil {
    } else {
        result := rsp.Result.(map[string]interface{})
        hash := result["TranID"].(string)
        fmt.Printf("hash is %s\n", hash)
        tx.Confirm(hash, 1000, 3, provider)

Example response

  "id": "1",
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "Info": "Txn processed",
    "TranID": "2d1eea871d8845472e98dbe9b7a7d788fbcce226f52e4216612592167b89042c"


Parameter Type Required Description
id string Required "1"
jsonrpc string Required "2.0"
method string Required "CreateTransaction"
params N/A Required See table above for the Transaction parameters required: