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This API is not yet implemented in this version of Zilliqa 2.0

Returns the status of a specified transaction. Note that in Zilliqa 2, this API will work for any transaction, and since there are no DS epochs any longer, the transaction pool is not cleared at a DS epoch boundary.

Response Fields

Field Description
_id Object ID (internal database field)
epochInserted Tx epoch when this transaction was first logged
epochUpdated Tx epoch when this transaction was last updated
lastModified Timestamp for this transaction's last update
modificationState See next table below
status See next table below
Other fields Transaction-related fields

Status Codes

modificationState status Description
0 1 Pending - Dispatched
1 2 Pending - Soft-confirmed (awaiting Tx block generation)
1 4 Pending - Nonce is higher than expected
1 5 Pending - Microblock gas limit exceeded
1 6 Pending - Consensus failure in network
2 3 Confirmed
2 10 Rejected - Transaction caused math error
2 11 Rejected - Scilla invocation error
2 12 Rejected - Contract account initialization error
2 13 Rejected - Invalid source account
2 14 Rejected - Gas limit higher than shard gas limit
2 15 Rejected - Unknown transaction type
2 16 Rejected - Transaction sent to wrong shard
2 17 Rejected - Contract & source account cross-shard issue
2 18 Rejected - Code size exceeded limit
2 19 Rejected - Transaction verification failed
2 20 Rejected - Gas limit too low
2 21 Rejected - Insufficient balance
2 22 Rejected - Insufficient gas to invoke Scilla checker
2 23 Rejected - Duplicate transaction exists
2 24 Rejected - Transaction with same nonce but same/higher gas price exists
2 25 Rejected - Invalid destination address
2 26 Rejected - Failed to add contract account to state
2 27 Rejected - Nonce is lower than expected
2 255 Rejected - Internal error

Example Request

curl -d '{
    "id": "1",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "GetTransactionStatus",
    "params": ["1bb178b023f816e950d862f6505cd79a32bb97e71fd78441cbc3486940a2e1b7"]
}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST ""

Example response

  "id": "1",
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "ID": "1bb178b023f816e950d862f6505cd79a32bb97e71fd78441cbc3486940a2e1b7",
    "_id": {
      "$oid": "5fd053b0d127fe45cc5eea24"
    "amount": "0",
    "data": "{\"_tag\":\"AddAccount\",\"params\":[{\"vname\":\"address\",\"type\":\"ByStr20\",\"value\":\"0x0434cdcf27e2294b3539cb6ffe2cc328d7f9757e\"},{\"vname\":\"datetime_added\",\"type\":\"String\",\"value\":\"1607488428\"}]}",
    "epochInserted": "2152402",
    "epochUpdated": "2152405",
    "gasLimit": "30000",
    "gasPrice": "2000000000",
    "lastModified": "1607488477842011",
    "modificationState": 2,
    "nonce": "131",
    "senderAddr": "b8fe5ab2e66c71274216688cf852e6d9f10b94e7",
    "signature": "0xBAA6964C66AE0608C6CEFBAAB69138E9358A1604C647DFFEF94E7022F2AB33D67F70802F71E934A0690BE4BA81CC3866B2FB668B29C528E6B77B1285533A2E2C",
    "status": 3,
    "success": true,
    "toAddr": "db4955ba4b1a957200ee0a36cf5f84eb4d7447e5",
    "version": "21823489"


Parameter Type Required Description
id string Required "1"
jsonrpc string Required "2.0"
method string Required "GetTransactionStatus"
params string Required Transaction hash of 32 bytes of a specified transaction.