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Note that the Scilla hardhat plugin is currently experimental; use at your own risk

Developing, testing and deploying contracts for both Scilla and EVM is conveniently done with hardhat. There is a (currently experimental) hardhat plugin allowing you to test Scilla contracts.

To get this working:

1. Install the scilla tools

git clone

And follow the instructions in the This should leave you with the scilla-checker and scilla-fmt binaries in your path.

2. Initialise a new hardhat project

mkdir contract_dev
cd contract_dev
yarn init
yarn add --dev hardhat
npx hardhat

Select create a new typescript project.


yarn add git+

and add the following to hardhat.config.js:

import "hardhat-scilla-plugin"

Now you can deploy a contract by adding the source code as contracts/Hello.scilla:

scilla_version 0

library MetaSayHello

type Error =
| NotOwner

let make_error =
  fun (result: Error) =>
    let result_code =
      match result with
     | NotOwner => Int32 -1
    { _exception: "Error"; code: result_code }

contract SayHello(
 init_contract_owner: ByStr20,
 init_string : String

field message : String = init_string
field owner : ByStr20 = init_contract_owner

procedure Throw(error: Error)
  e = make_error error;
  throw e

procedure AssertOwner(address: ByStr20)
   my_owner <- owner;
   is_owner = builtin eq my_owner address;
   match is_owner with
   | True => (* Yep *)
   | False =>
     err = NotOwner;
     Throw err

transition SetMessage(in_message: String)
  AssertOwner _sender;
  message := in_message

transition SayHello()
  a_msg <- message;
  e = { _eventname: "Hello";
       message: a_msg
  event e

and a deployment script, scripts/deploy.ts:

import { expect } from 'chai';
import { ScillaContract, initZilliqa } from 'hardhat-scilla-plugin';
import hre, { ethers } from 'hardhat';

describe("Hello", function () {
    const privateKeys = [ "<your private key>" ];
    const network_url = "<network URL>";
    const chain_id = <chain_id>;

    before("set up the network", async function () {
        initZilliqa(network_url, chain_id, privateKeys);

        let contract: ScillaContract = await hre.deployScilla("SayHello", "5c2d46955de58033638f552bfd1bca408e6fc8ac", "TestA");
        console.log(`Contract ${JSON.stringify(contract)}`)

    it("should do nothing", async function() {

Run your script:

npx hardhat scripts/deploy.ts

It's often useful to run:

mitmweb --reverse: -p 8082

So you can monitor what calls are being made. You can generate keys for testing using zli (but one day there will be a plugin function to allow you to do this).

There are examples of this in zilliqa-developer and in our acceptance test suite in our acceptance tests.

Here is a sample networks stanza for your hardhat.config.ts; the keys configured for isolated server and other environments are the default test private keys, which are loaded with large balances at network startup:

  networks: {
    isolated_server: {
      url: "http://localhost:5555/",
      websocketUrl: "ws://localhost:5555/",
      accounts: [
      chainId: 0x8001,
      web3ClientVersion: "Zilliqa/v8.2",
      protocolVersion: 0x41,
      zilliqaNetwork: true,
      miningState: false
    ganache: {
      url: "http://localhost:7545",
      websocketUrl: "ws://localhost:7545",
      chainId: 1337,
      web3ClientVersion: "Ganache/v7.4.1/EthereumJS TestRPC/v7.4.1/ethereum-js",
      protocolVersion: 0x3f,
      accounts: [
        // memonic: guard same cactus near figure photo remove letter target alien initial remove
      zilliqaNetwork: false,
      miningState: true
    public_testnet: {
      url: "",
      websocketUrl: "",
      accounts: [
      chainId: 33101,
      zilliqaNetwork: true,
      web3ClientVersion: "Zilliqa/v8.2",
      protocolVersion: 0x41,
      miningState: false
    localdev: {
      url: "http://localhost:5301",
      websocketUrl: "ws://localhost:5301",
      accounts: [
      chainId: 0x8001,
      web3ClientVersion: "Zilliqa/v8.2",
      protocolVersion: 0x41,
      zilliqaNetwork: true,
      miningState: false