We finally get to the transitions in the Smart Contract. We group the transitions in the following types. The source code.
- User Transitions
- Listing Transitions
- Owner Transitions
User Transitions
This transition accepts the name
and role
of the new user.
If the user already exists, the user_exists
message is sent back.
If not, the user_name
and user_role
fields are set. The user_created
message is sent back.
Arguments | Description | Type |
name |
The name of the user | String |
role |
The role of the user ( 0 : Renter, 1 : Host) |
Uint32 |
transition create_user (name: String, role: Uint32)
user_exists_check <- exists user_name[_sender];
match user_exists_check with
| True =>
send_message zero user_exists
| False =>
user_name[_sender] := name;
user_role[_sender] := role;
send_message zero user_created
Listing Transitions
This group of transitions is used in the transitions that a host account user may use to manage their listings.
This transition is used by a host user to create a listing.
The user_role
is checked.
The listing_id_generator
is used to set a new id for the listing, after which it is incremented.
The set_listing_details
procedure is called to create the listing, and some of the listing fields are initialised, including listing_host
, listing_rented_till
, and listing_accumulated_rent
The listing_created
message is sent on success.
On failure, the user_is_renter
or user_does_not_exist
messages are sent back.
Arguments | Description | Type |
name |
The name of the listing | String |
description |
The description of the listing | String |
price |
The price of the listing | Uint128 |
rooms |
The number of rooms in the listing | Uint32 |
bathrooms |
The number of bathrooms in the listing | Uint32 |
image |
A URL to an image of the listing | String |
location |
A Google Maps Plus Code for the location of the listing | String |
wifi |
The availability of WiFi at the listing | String |
laundry |
The availability of a Landry at the listing | String |
hvac |
The availability of an HVAC at the listing | String |
tv |
The availability of a TV at the listing | String |
kitchen |
The availability of a Kitchen at the listing | String |
transition create_listing (
name: String, description: String, price: Uint128,
rooms: Uint32, bathrooms: Uint32, image: String, location: String,
wifi: String, laundry: String, hvac: String, tv: String, kitchen: String
user_exists_check <- exists user_name[_sender];
match user_exists_check with
| True =>
role <- user_role[_sender];
match role with
| Some role =>
user_role_check = builtin eq role user_role_host;
match user_role_check with
| True =>
id <- listing_id_generator;
current_block_number <- & BLOCKNUMBER;
listing_host[id] := _sender;
set_listing_details id name description price rooms bathrooms image location wifi laundry hvac tv kitchen;
listing_rented_till[id] := current_block_number;
listing_accumulated_rent[id] := zero;
next_listing_id = builtin add id one;
listing_id_generator := next_listing_id;
send_message zero listing_created
| False =>
send_message zero user_is_renter
| None =>
send_message zero user_does_not_exist
| False =>
send_message zero user_does_not_exist
This transition is used by the host user to update the Listing Details for the given listing.
The _sender
wallet address is checked if it is indeed the host of the listing.
The set_listing_details
procedure is used to update the details.
Arguments | Description | Type |
id |
The ID of the listing | Uint128 |
name |
The name of the listing | String |
description |
The description of the listing | String |
price |
The price of the listing | Uint128 |
rooms |
The number of rooms in the listing | Uint32 |
bathrooms |
The number of bathrooms in the listing | Uint32 |
image |
A URL to an image of the listing | String |
location |
A Google Maps Plus Code for the location of the listing | String |
wifi |
The availability of WiFi at the listing | String |
laundry |
The availability of a Landry at the listing | String |
hvac |
The availability of an HVAC at the listing | String |
tv |
The availability of a TV at the listing | String |
kitchen |
The availability of a Kitchen at the listing | String |
transition update_listing (
id: Uint128, name: String, description: String, price: Uint128,
rooms: Uint32, bathrooms: Uint32, image: String, location: String,
wifi: String, laundry: String, hvac: String, tv: String, kitchen: String
host <- listing_host[id];
match host with
| Some host =>
user_is_host_check = builtin eq host _sender;
match user_is_host_check with
| True =>
set_listing_details id name description price rooms bathrooms image location wifi laundry hvac tv kitchen;
send_message zero listing_updated
| False =>
send_message zero user_is_not_host
| None =>
send_message zero listing_does_not_exist
This transition is used by the host user to delete a particular listing.
The _sender
wallet address is checked if it is indeed the host of the listing.
It checks if the accumulated rent for the listing is empty.
The delete_listing_by_id
procedure is used to delete the listing.
Arguments | Description | Type |
id |
The ID of the listing | Uint128 |
transition delete_listing (id: Uint128)
host <- listing_host[id];
match host with
| Some host =>
user_is_host_check = builtin eq host _sender;
match user_is_host_check with
| True =>
accumulated_rent_value <- listing_accumulated_rent[id];
match accumulated_rent_value with
| Some accumulated_rent_value =>
no_rent = builtin eq accumulated_rent_value zero;
match no_rent with
| True =>
delete_listing_by_id id;
send_message zero listing_deleted
| False =>
send_message zero rent_not_empty
| None =>
send_message zero listing_details_missing
| False =>
send_message zero user_is_not_host
| None =>
send_message zero listing_does_not_exist
This transition is used by a renter user to book a listing.
The _sender
wallet address is checked to ensure it is not the host of the listing.
The check_listing_available
, check_amount_and_book
, and book_listing_by_id
procedures are used in sequence to book the listing.
Arguments | Description | Type |
id |
The ID of the listing | Uint128 |
transition book_listing (id: Uint128)
user_exists_check <- exists user_name[_sender];
match user_exists_check with
| True =>
host <- listing_host[id];
match host with
| Some host =>
user_is_host_check = builtin eq host _sender;
match user_is_host_check with
| True =>
send_message zero user_is_host
| False =>
check_listing_available id
| None =>
send_message zero listing_does_not_exist
| False =>
send_message zero user_does_not_exist
This transition is used by a host user to claim the accumulated rent from a listing that they own.
The _sender
wallet address is checked to ensure it is indeed the host of the listing.
The claim_rent_by_id
procedure is used to claim the rent.
Arguments | Description | Type |
id |
The ID of the listing | Uint128 |
transition claim_rent (id: Uint128)
user_exists_check <- exists user_name[_sender];
match user_exists_check with
| True =>
host <- listing_host[id];
match host with
| Some host =>
user_is_host_check = builtin eq host _sender;
match user_is_host_check with
| True =>
claim_rent_by_id id
| False =>
send_message zero user_is_not_host
| None =>
send_message zero listing_does_not_exist
| False =>
send_message zero user_does_not_exist
Owner Transitions
This group of transitions is used by the owner to manage the platform.
This transition is used to claim the commission collected on the platform.
The _sender
wallet address is checked to ensure it is the owner of the contract.
The _balance
from the contract is sent to the owner via a message.
transition claim_commission ()
is_owner = builtin eq owner _sender;
match is_owner with
| False =>
send_message zero user_is_not_owner
| True =>
balance <- _balance;
send_message balance commission_claimed
This transition is used to update the commission collected from each rental.
The _sender
wallet address is checked to ensure it is the owner of the contract.
The owners-commission
field is updated to new_commission
Arguments | Description | Type |
new_commission |
A new value for the commission | Uint128 |
transition update_commission (new_commission: Uint128)
is_owner = builtin eq owner _sender;
match is_owner with
| False =>
send_message zero user_is_not_owner
| True =>
owners_commission := new_commission;
send_message zero commission_updated
This transition is used to update the night duration value that is added to the BLOCKNUMBER
to create the notion of time.
The _sender
wallet address is checked to ensure it is the owner of the contract.
The night_duration
field is updated to new_night_duration
Arguments | Description | Type |
new_night_duration |
A new value for the night duration | Uint32 |
transition update_night_duration (new_night_duration: Uint32)
is_owner = builtin eq owner _sender;
match is_owner with
| False =>
send_message zero user_is_not_owner
| True =>
night_duration := new_night_duration;
send_message zero night_duration_updated