Source Code
The Github repository can be found at
Getting Started (Installation and Packages Explained)
You can get start with the installation by using Maven, Gradle or manually
building the jar
dependencies {
compile group: 'org.zilliqa', name: 'laksaj', version: '2.0.0'
Manually Build the Jar File
First clone the laksaj
git clone
cd zilliqa-developer/products/laksaj
Next, build jar
using following command
gradle build -x test
Methods and APIs
Account API
- fromFile
- toFile
Wallet API
- createAccount
- addByPrivateKey addByKeyStore
- remove
- setDefault
- signTransaction (default account)
- signTransactionWith (specific account)
TransactionFactory Transaction
- sendTransaction
- trackTx
- confirm
- isPending isInitialised isConfirmed isRejected
ContractFactory Contract
- deploy
- call
- isInitialised isDeployed isRejected
- getState
- getAddressForContract
Crypto API
- getDerivedKey (PBKDF2 and Scrypt)
- generatePrivateKey
- Schnorr.sign
- Schnorr.verify
- getPublicKeyFromPrivateKey
- getPublicKeyFromPrivateKey
- getAddressFromPublicKey
- getAddressFromPrivateKey
- encryptPrivateKey
- decryptPrivateKey
Blockchain-Related Methods
- getNetworkId
- getBlockchainInfo
- getShardingStructure
- getDsBlock
- getLatestDsBlock
- getNumDSBlocks
- getDSBlockRate
- getDSBlockListing
- getTxBlock
- getLatestTxBlock
- getNumTxBlocks
- getTxBlockRate
- getTxBlockListing
- getNumTransactions
- getTransactionRate
- getCurrentMiniEpoch
- getCurrentDSEpoch
- getPrevDifficulty
- getPrevDSDifficulty
Transaction-Related Methods
- createTransaction
- getTransaction
- getRecentTransactions
- getTransactionsForTxBlock
- getNumTxnsTxEpoch
- getNumTxnsDSEpoch
- getMinimumGasPrice
Contract-Related Methods
- getSmartContractCode
- getSmartContractInit
- getSmartContractState
- getSmartContracts
- getContractAddressFromTransactionID
Account-Related Methods
- getBalance
- isAddress
- isPublicjKey
- isPrivateKey
- isSignature
- byteArrayToHexString
- hexStringToByteArray
- generateMac
- isByteString
- encodeTransactionProto
- toChecksumAddress
- isValidChecksumAddress
- base58.encode
- base58.decode
- isBase58
- bech32 encode decode
- fromBech32Address toBech32Address
Generate Large Amount of Addresses
package com.zilliqa.example;
import com.zilliqa.laksaj.crypto.KeyTools;
import com.zilliqa.laksaj.utils.ByteUtil;
import org.web3j.crypto.ECKeyPair;
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class GenerateAddress {
//How to generate large amount of addresses
public static void main(String[] args) throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException {
int n = 0;
while (n < 100) {
System.out.println("generate nth keypair:");
ECKeyPair keyPair = KeyTools.generateKeyPair();
BigInteger privateInteger = keyPair.getPrivateKey();
BigInteger publicInteger = keyPair.getPublicKey();
System.out.println("private key is: " + privateInteger.toString(16));
System.out.println("public key is: " + publicInteger.toString(16));
System.out.println("address is: " + KeyTools.getAddressFromPublicKey(ByteUtil.byteArrayToHexString(publicInteger.toByteArray())));
Validate an Address
package com.zilliqa.example;
import com.zilliqa.laksaj.utils.Validation;
public class ValidateAddress {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String address = "2624B9EA4B1CD740630F6BF2FEA82AAC0067070B";
boolean isAddress = Validation.isAddress(address);
System.out.println("is address: " + isAddress);
Validate Checksum Address
package com.zilliqa.example;
import com.zilliqa.laksaj.utils.Validation;
public class ValidChecksumAddress {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String checksumAddress = "0x4BAF5faDA8e5Db92C3d3242618c5B47133AE003C";
boolean isChecksumAddress = Validation.isValidChecksumAddress(checksumAddress);
System.out.println("is checksum address: " + isChecksumAddress);
Transaction Operations (Construct a Transaction, Calculate Transaction Fee, Do Serialization, Sign a Transaction, Broadcast)
package com.zilliqa.example;
import com.zilliqa.laksaj.account.Wallet;
import com.zilliqa.laksaj.contract.Contract;
import com.zilliqa.laksaj.contract.ContractFactory;
import com.zilliqa.laksaj.contract.DeployParams;
import com.zilliqa.laksaj.contract.Value;
import com.zilliqa.laksaj.jsonrpc.HttpProvider;
import com.zilliqa.laksaj.transaction.Transaction;
import com.zilliqa.laksaj.transaction.TransactionFactory;
import javafx.util.Pair;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import static com.zilliqa.laksaj.account.Wallet.pack;
public class TransactionOperation {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
Wallet wallet = new Wallet();
String ptivateKey = "e19d05c5452598e24caad4a0d85a49146f7be089515c905ae6a19e8a578a6930";
// Populate the wallet with an account
String address = wallet.addByPrivateKey(ptivateKey);
System.out.println("address is: " + address);
HttpProvider provider = new HttpProvider("");
//get balance
HttpProvider.BalanceResult balanceResult = provider.getBalance(address);
System.out.println("balance is: " + balanceResult.getBalance());
//construct non-contract transaction
Transaction transaction = Transaction.builder()
.version(String.valueOf(pack(333, 1)))
.provider(new HttpProvider(""))
//sign transaction
transaction = wallet.sign(transaction);
System.out.println("signature is: " + transaction.getSignature());
//broadcast transaction
HttpProvider.CreateTxResult result = TransactionFactory.sendTransaction(transaction);
//hello-world contract
String code = "scilla_version 0\n" +
"\n" +
" (* HelloWorld contract *)\n" +
"\n" +
" import ListUtils\n" +
"\n" +
" (***************************************************)\n" +
" (* Associated library *)\n" +
" (***************************************************)\n" +
" library HelloWorld\n" +
"\n" +
" let one_msg =\n" +
" fun (msg : Message) =>\n" +
" let nil_msg = Nil {Message} in\n" +
" Cons {Message} msg nil_msg\n" +
"\n" +
" let not_owner_code = Int32 1\n" +
" let set_hello_code = Int32 2\n" +
"\n" +
" (***************************************************)\n" +
" (* The contract definition *)\n" +
" (***************************************************)\n" +
"\n" +
" contract HelloWorld\n" +
" (owner: ByStr20)\n" +
"\n" +
" field welcome_msg : String = \"\"\n" +
"\n" +
" transition setHello (msg : String)\n" +
" is_owner = builtin eq owner _sender;\n" +
" match is_owner with\n" +
" | False =>\n" +
" msg = {_tag : \"TransactionOperation\"; _recipient : _sender; _amount : Uint128 0; code : not_owner_code};\n" +
" msgs = one_msg msg;\n" +
" send msgs\n" +
" | True =>\n" +
" welcome_msg := msg;\n" +
" msg = {_tag : \"TransactionOperation\"; _recipient : _sender; _amount : Uint128 0; code : set_hello_code};\n" +
" msgs = one_msg msg;\n" +
" send msgs\n" +
" end\n" +
" end\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
" transition getHello ()\n" +
" r <- welcome_msg;\n" +
" e = {_eventname: \"getHello()\"; msg: r};\n" +
" event e\n" +
" end";
List<Value> init = Arrays.asList(Value.builder().vname("_scilla_version").type("Uint32").value("0").build(), Value.builder().vname("owner").type("ByStr20").value("0x9bfec715a6bd658fcb62b0f8cc9bfa2ade71434a").build());
ContractFactory factory = ContractFactory.builder().provider(new HttpProvider("")).signer(wallet).build();
Contract contract = factory.newContract(code, (Value[]) init.toArray(), "");
DeployParams deployParams = DeployParams.builder().version(String.valueOf(pack(2, 8))).gasPrice("1000000000").gasLimit("10000").senderPubKey("0246e7178dc8253201101e18fd6f6eb9972451d121fc57aa2a06dd5c111e58dc6a").build();
//deploy contract, this will take a while to track transaction util it has been confirmed or failed
Pair<Transaction, Contract> deployResult = contract.deploy(deployParams, 300, 3);
System.out.println("result is: " + deployResult);
//calculate transaction fee
String transactionFee = new BigInteger(deployResult.getKey().getReceipt().getCumulative_gas()).multiply(new BigInteger(deployResult.getKey().getGasPrice())).toString();
System.out.println("transaction fee is: " + transactionFee);
Know a Smart Contract Deposit
package com.zilliqa.example;
import com.zilliqa.laksaj.blockchain.Contract;
import com.zilliqa.laksaj.jsonrpc.HttpProvider;
import java.util.List;
public class SmartContractDeposit {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
HttpProvider client = new HttpProvider("");
String lastEpoch = client.getNumTxnsTxEpoch();
List<Contract.State> lastStateList = client.getSmartContractState("D6606D02DFF929593312D8D0D36105E376F95AA0");
System.out.println("last epoch is " + lastEpoch);
System.out.println("last state:" + lastStateList);
int n = 0;
while (true) {
String epoch = client.getNumTxnsTxEpoch();
System.out.println(n + "th current epoch is: " + epoch);
if (!lastEpoch.equals(epoch)) {
System.out.println("epoch hash changed");
List<Contract.State> stateList = client.getSmartContractState("D6606D02DFF929593312D8D0D36105E376F95AA0");
System.out.println("last state: " + lastStateList);
System.out.println("current state: " + stateList);
lastEpoch = epoch;
lastStateList = stateList;
n += 1;