gozilliqa is a Golang library for interacting with the Zilliqa network. It can create wallets, deploy contracts, and invoke transitions to interact with smart contracts on the Zilliqa network.
Source Code
The github repository can be found at Zilliqa/gozilliqa-sdk
All releases of gozilliqa can be found at https://github.com/Zilliqa/gozilliqa-sdk/releases
Getting gozilliqa
Run the following to clone the repository to your local machine
git clone[https://github.com/Zilliqa/gozilliqa-sdk.git](https://github.com/Zilliqa/gozilliqa-sdk.git)```
> If you wish to use the release version, please switch your branch to the particular release version. You can find out more information about the releases at [https://github.com/Zilliqa/gozilliqa-sdk/releases](https://github.com/Zilliqa/gozilliqa-sdk/releases)
This SDK is using go mod
to manager it's dependent libraries, so if you do want to work on the source code of this repository, make sure you have the minimal golang
version that supports go mod
and enable it.
Install the dependent libraries:
go get ./...
The SDK itself cannot be built into a binary as it does not contains any main
function, you can directly add it to your own project as a library. Also, we
recommend that you can run the golang uint test
or go through the section
quick start
first to get a basic understanding before you start to use this
Methods and APIs
Account API
- fromFile
- toFile
- newHDAccount (with default derivation path "m/44'/313'/0'/0/${index}")
- newHDAccountWithDerivationPath
Wallet API
- createAccount
- addByPrivateKey addByKeyStore
- remove
- setDefault
- signTransaction (default account)
- signTransactionWith (specific account)
TransactionFactory Transaction
- sendTransaction
- trackTx
- confirm
- isPending isInitialised isConfirmed isRejected
ContractFactory Contract
- deploy
- call
- isInitialised isDeployed isRejected
- getState
- getAddressForContract
Crypto API
- getDerivedKey (PBKDF2 and Scrypt)
- generatePrivateKey
- Schnorr.sign
- Schnorr.verify
- getPublicKeyFromPrivateKey
- getAddressFromPublicKey
- getAddressFromPrivateKey
- encryptPrivateKey
- decryptPrivateKey
Blockchain-related methods
- getNetworkId
- getBlockchainInfo
- getShardingStructure
- getDsBlock
- getLatestDsBlock
- getNumDSBlocks
- getDSBlockRate
- getDSBlockListing
- getTxBlock
- getLatestTxBlock
- getNumTxBlocks
- getTxBlockRate
- getTxBlockListing
- getNumTransactions
- getTransactionRate
- getCurrentMiniEpoch
- getCurrentDSEpoch
- getPrevDifficulty
- getPrevDSDifficulty
Transaction-related methods
- createTransaction
- getTransaction
- getRecentTransactions
- getTransactionsForTxBlock
- getNumTxnsTxEpoch
- getNumTxnsDSEpoch
- getMinimumGasPrice
Contract-related methods
- getSmartContractCode
- getSmartContractInit
- getSmartContractState
- getSmartContracts
- getContractAddressFromTransactionID
Account-related methods
- getBalance
- isAddress
- isPublicjKey
- isPrivateKey
- isSignature
- byteArrayToHexString
- hexStringToByteArray
- generateMac
- isByteString
- encodeTransactionProto
- toChecksumAddress
- isValidChecksumAddress
- bech32 encode decode
- isBech32
- fromBech32Address toBech32Address
Golang code for zilliqa-js methods found in ZRC-2 Wallet Repository
Decrypt Private Key from a Keystore File
func TestKeystore_DecryptPrivateKey(t *testing.T) {
json := "{\"address\":\"b5c2cdd79c37209c3cb59e04b7c4062a8f5d5271\",\"id\":\"979daaf9-daf1-4002-8656-3cea134c9518\",\"version\":3,\"crypto\":{\"cipher\":\"aes-128-ctr\",\"ciphertext\":\"26be10cdae0f397bdeead38e7fcc179957dd5e7ef95a1f0f53f37b7ad1355159\",\"kdf\":\"pbkdf2\",\"mac\":\"81d8e60bc08237e4ba154c0b27ad08562821d8c602ee8a492434128de48b66bc\",\"cipherparams\":{\"iv\":\"fc714ad6267c35a2df4cb3f8b8b3cc0d\"},\"kdfparams\":{\"n\":8192,\"c\":262144,\"r\":8,\"p\":1,\"dklen\":32,\"salt\":\"e22ef8a67a59299cee1532b6c6967bdfb0e75ca3c5dff852f9d8daa04683b0c1\"}}}"
ks := NewDefaultKeystore()
privateKey, err := ks.DecryptPrivateKey(json, "xiaohuo")
if err != nil {
} else {
if strings.Compare(strings.ToLower(privateKey), "24180e6b0c3021aedb8f5a86f75276ee6fc7ff46e67e98e716728326102e91c9") != 0 {
t.Error("decrypt private key failed")
Get User's $Zil Balance
func TestGetBalance() {
provider := NewProvider("https://dev-api.zilliqa.com/")
response := provider.GetBalance("9bfec715a6bd658fcb62b0f8cc9bfa2ade71434a")
result, _ := json.Marshal(response)
Send a Transfer Transaction
func TestSendTransaction(t *testing.T) {
if os.Getenv("CI") != "" {
t.Skip("Skipping testing in CI environment")
wallet := NewWallet()
provider := provider2.NewProvider("https://dev-api.zilliqa.com/")
gasPrice, err := provider.GetMinimumGasPrice()
assert.Nil(t, err, err)
tx := &transaction.Transaction{
Version: strconv.FormatInt(int64(util.Pack(333, 1)), 10),
SenderPubKey: "0246E7178DC8253201101E18FD6F6EB9972451D121FC57AA2A06DD5C111E58DC6A",
ToAddr: "4BAF5faDA8e5Db92C3d3242618c5B47133AE003C",
Amount: "10000000",
GasPrice: gasPrice,
GasLimit: "50",
Code: "",
Data: "",
Priority: false,
err2 := wallet.Sign(tx, *provider)
assert.Nil(t, err2, err2)
rsp, err3 := provider.CreateTransaction(tx.ToTransactionPayload())
assert.Nil(t, err3, err3)
assert.Nil(t, rsp.Error, rsp.Error)
resMap := rsp.Result.(map[string]interface{})
hash := resMap["TranID"].(string)
fmt.Printf("hash is %s\n", hash)
tx.Confirm(hash, 1000, 3, provider)
assert.True(t, tx.Status == core.Confirmed)