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Block Transaction

Get a Block Transaction - Payment


  "network_identifier": {
    "blockchain": "zilliqa",
    "network": "testnet"
  "block_identifier": {
    "index": 1582509,
    "hash": "4cc2adbb6fe5f14952b1a7043b0a3fb0a33016fe0de99d1bc2102f349e3cd3ad"
  "transaction_identifier": {
    "hash": "e03a4dcfce78a7f40a686969260bef57e0e18cead8fa1b60df05edfd69c80415"



The operation type is TRANSFER.

  "transaction": {
    "transaction_identifier": {
      "hash": "e03a4dcfce78a7f40a686969260bef57e0e18cead8fa1b60df05edfd69c80415"
    "operations": [
        "operation_identifier": {
          "index": 0
        "type": "TRANSFER",
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "account": {
          "address": "zil17z645g0dr8nwgs5r8tafyekpv6kk882nxaqr70",
          "metadata": {
            "base16": "F0b55a21ED19E6E442833Afa9266C166aD639d53"
        "amount": {
          "value": "-300000000000000",
          "currency": {
            "symbol": "ZIL",
            "decimals": 12
        "operation_identifier": {
          "index": 1
        "related_operations": [
            "index": 0
        "type": "TRANSFER",
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "account": {
          "address": "zil1yz8putzpxrjrlrcn9xukwe6fyeg9jlyjmnw70a",
          "metadata": {
            "base16": "208E1e2c4130E43F8F1329B96767492650597C92"
        "amount": {
          "value": "300000000000000",
          "currency": {
            "symbol": "ZIL",
            "decimals": 12
        "metadata": {
          "gasLimit": "1",
          "gasPrice": "1000000000",
          "nonce": "138",
          "receipt": {
            "accept": false,
            "errors": null,
            "exceptions": null,
            "success": true,
            "cumulative_gas": "1",
            "epoch_num": "1582509",
            "event_logs": null,
            "transitions": null
          "senderPubKey": "0x027558EDE7BA1EA7A7633F1ACA898CE3DE0F7589C6B5D8C30D91EDE457F6E552F6",
          "signature": "0x9795884BD13CF195334B5D8E79A425C1582CF8D481091F64840D11BBC19EC893444021C1793AF242703823CF4FCC29E72060D79EEAB0478D9334A73F173A97A4",
          "version": "21823489"

Get a Block Transaction - Contract Deployment


  "network_identifier": {
    "blockchain": "zilliqa",
    "network": "mainnet"
  "block_identifier": {
    "index": 670379,
    "hash": "e71a6d73ec69accb63cb77e67ce6bdde92e6de5a9f1981d8cd9f2f4630031a7b"
  "transaction_identifier": {
    "hash": "5a3662d689468b423f050824c93343b790a7295d44a4e0f5ebee119ecc18d065"


Sample Note: The operation type is contract_deployment.

  "transaction": {
    "transaction_identifier": {
      "hash": "5a3662d689468b423f050824c93343b790a7295d44a4e0f5ebee119ecc18d065"
    "operations": [
        "operation_identifier": {
          "index": 0
        "type": "contract_deployment",
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "account": {
          "address": "zil1a35lxvh38y3u8xe7kzxfkgdhmctj387zs92llt",
          "metadata": {
            "base16": "ec69F332F13923C39B3eB08c9b21B7De17289FC2"
        "amount": {
          "value": "0",
          "currency": {
            "symbol": "ZIL",
            "decimals": 12
        "metadata": {
          "code": "\nscilla_version 0\nimport BoolUtils\nlibrary ResolverLib\ntype RecordKeyValue =\n  | RecordKeyValue of String String\nlet nilMessage = Nil {Message}\nlet oneMsg =\n  fun(msg: Message) =>\n    Cons {Message} msg nilMessage\nlet eOwnerSet =\n  fun(address: ByStr20) =>\n    {_eventname: \"OwnerSet\"; address: address}\n(* @deprecated eRecordsSet is emitted instead (since 0.1.1) *)\nlet eRecordSet =\n  fun(key: String) =>\n  fun(value: String) =>\n    {_eventname: \"RecordSet\"; key: key; value: value}\n(* @deprecated eRecordsSet is emitted instead (since 0.1.1) *)\nlet eRecordUnset =\n  fun(key: String) =>\n    {_eventname: \"RecordUnset\"; key: key}\nlet eRecordsSet =\n  fun(registry: ByStr20) =>\n  fun(node: ByStr32) =>\n    {_eventname: \"RecordsSet\"; registry: registry; node: node}\nlet eError =\n  fun(message: String) =>\n    {_eventname: \"Error\"; message: message}\nlet emptyValue = \"\"\nlet mOnResolverConfigured =\n  fun(registry: ByStr20) =>\n  fun(node: ByStr32) =>\n    let m = {_tag: \"onResolverConfigured\"; _amount: Uint128 0; _recipient: registry; node: node} in\n      oneMsg m\nlet copyRecordsFromList =\n  fun (recordsMap: Map String String) =>\n  fun (recordsList: List RecordKeyValue) =>\n    let foldl = @list_foldl RecordKeyValue Map String String in\n      let iter =\n        fun (recordsMap: Map String String) =>\n        fun (el: RecordKeyValue) =>\n          match el with\n          | RecordKeyValue key val =>\n            let isEmpty = builtin eq val emptyValue in\n              match isEmpty with\n              | True => builtin remove recordsMap key\n              | False => builtin put recordsMap key val\n              end\n          end\n      in\n        foldl iter recordsMap recordsList\ncontract Resolver(\n  initialOwner: ByStr20,\n  registry: ByStr20,\n  node: ByStr32,\n  initialRecords: Map String String\n)\nfield vendor: String = \"UD\"\nfield version: String = \"0.1.1\"\nfield owner: ByStr20 = initialOwner\nfield records: Map String String = initialRecords\n(* Sets owner address *)\n(* @ensures a sender address is an owner of the contract *)\n(* @param address *)\n(* @emits OwnerSet if the operation was successful *)\n(* @emits Error if a sender address has no permission for the operation *)\ntransition setOwner(address: ByStr20)\n  currentOwner <- owner;\n  isOkSender = builtin eq currentOwner _sender;\n  match isOkSender with\n  | True =>\n    owner := address;\n    e = eOwnerSet address;\n    event e\n  | _ =>\n    e = let m = \"Sender not owner\" in eError m;\n    event e\n  end\nend\n(* Sets a key value pair *)\n(* @ensures a sender address is an owner of the contract *)\n(* @param key *)\n(* @param value *)\n(* @emits RecordSet if the operation was successful *)\n(* @emits Error if a sender address has no permission for the operation *)\n(* @sends onResolverConfigured to the registry *)\ntransition set(key: String, value: String)\n  currentOwner <- owner;\n  isOkSender = builtin eq currentOwner _sender;\n  match isOkSender with\n  | True =>\n    records[key] := value;\n    e = eRecordsSet registry node;\n    event e;\n    msgs = mOnResolverConfigured registry node;\n    send msgs\n  | _ =>\n    e = let m = \"Sender not owner\" in eError m;\n    event e\n  end\nend\n(* Remove a key from records map *)\n(* @ensures a sender address is an owner of the contract *)\n(* @param key *)\n(* @emits RecordUnset if the operation was successful *)\n(* @emits Error if a sender address has no permission for the operation *)\n(* @sends onResolverConfigured to the registry *)\ntransition unset(key: String)\n  keyExists <- exists records[key];\n  currentOwner <- owner;\n  isOk =\n    let isOkSender = builtin eq currentOwner _sender in\n      andb isOkSender keyExists;\n  match isOk with\n  | True =>\n    delete records[key];\n    e = eRecordsSet registry node;\n    event e;\n    msgs = mOnResolverConfigured registry node;\n    send msgs\n  | _ =>\n    e = let m = \"Sender not owner or key does not exist\" in\n      eError m;\n    event e\n  end\nend\n(* Set multiple keys to records map *)\n(* Removes records from the map if according passed value is empty *)\n(* @ensures a sender address is an owner of the contract *)\n(* @param newRecords *)\n(* @emits RecordsSet if the operation was successful *)\n(* @emits Error if a sender address has no permission for the operation *)\n(* @sends onResolverConfigured to the registry *)\ntransition setMulti(newRecords: List RecordKeyValue)\n  currentOwner <- owner;\n  isOkSender = builtin eq currentOwner _sender;\n  match isOkSender with\n  | True =>\n    oldRecords <- records;\n    newRecordsMap = copyRecordsFromList oldRecords newRecords;\n    records := newRecordsMap;\n    e = eRecordsSet registry node;\n    event e;\n    msgs = mOnResolverConfigured registry node;\n    send msgs\n  | _ =>\n    e = let m = \"Sender not owner\" in eError m;\n    event e\n  end\nend\n",
          "data": "[{\"vname\":\"_scilla_version\",\"type\":\"Uint32\",\"value\":\"0\"},{\"vname\":\"initialOwner\",\"type\":\"ByStr20\",\"value\":\"0x4887fb6920a8ae50886543ee8aa504da6c9f83bf\"},{\"vname\":\"registry\",\"type\":\"ByStr20\",\"value\":\"0x9611c53be6d1b32058b2747bdececed7e1216793\"},{\"vname\":\"node\",\"type\":\"ByStr32\",\"value\":\"0xd72c3c6e1e3b1b1238b5ba82ff7afe688f542b1cdbfee692a912dd88b1d31f76\"},{\"vname\":\"initialRecords\",\"type\":\"Map String String\",\"value\":[{\"key\":\"ZIL\",\"val\":\"0x803637d03997e4c29729e9ce9e4bc41c0c867354\"}]}]",
          "gasLimit": "10000",
          "gasPrice": "1000000000",
          "nonce": "2007",
          "receipt": {
            "accept": false,
            "errors": null,
            "exceptions": null,
            "success": true,
            "cumulative_gas": "6024",
            "epoch_num": "670379",
            "event_logs": null,
            "transitions": null
          "senderPubKey": "0x032E38FCA06A680FFE1BA40956ADA08CB94236FC985B4F7571D455408A0A27E1A2",
          "signature": "0xB665902059A7519F9A8E118B87ACE4EFDC0FB434475617B19B94E38ABAB68AE8DC85650E781C52CBE281FA527E7556EE9BC593531743A3594BF25C4330EC0165",
          "version": "65537"

Displaying Contract Calls Information for Block Transactions

A contract call can be defined in the either one of the following two forms:

  1. An account has invoked a function in a contract
  2. An account has invoked a function in a contract which further invokes another function in a different contract (a.k.a Chain Calling)

Depending on the functions invoked by the contract, a contract call may perform additional smart contract deposits to some accounts. These smart contract deposits will be shown under the operations [] idential to how typical payment transaction is displayed. Additional metadata information related to the transaction such as the contract address and gas amount are displayed only at the final operation block to reduce cluttering of metadata.

Get a Block Transaction - Contract Call without Smart Contract Deposits


  "network_identifier": {
    "blockchain": "zilliqa",
    "network": "testnet"
  "block_identifier": {
    "index": 1558244,
    "hash": "4f00a6059b22ebd73e6a60d77fbc20f65bfa3be3f5ae57712422699e3bb031ac"
  "transaction_identifier": {
    "hash": "ad8a8aa7c1aff0a59a3d56f9c9a72176c344e8a35bbd66e69b2bc7011b44e637"


Sample Note: The operation type is contract_call.

  "transaction": {
    "transaction_identifier": {
      "hash": "ad8a8aa7c1aff0a59a3d56f9c9a72176c344e8a35bbd66e69b2bc7011b44e637"
    "operations": [
        "operation_identifier": {
          "index": 0
        "type": "contract_call",
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "account": {
          "address": "zil1ha4z3qu69uxr6h2m7v9ggcjt332cjupzp7c2ae",
          "metadata": {
            "base16": "Bf6a28839a2f0c3d5d5Bf30A84624B8c55897022"
        "amount": {
          "value": "0",
          "currency": {
            "symbol": "ZIL",
            "decimals": 12
        "metadata": {
          "contractAddress": "c36087407e6474e038d7c316a620afe2a752ad0e",
          "data": "{\"_tag\":\"SubmitHeaderBlock\",\"params\":[{\"vname\":\"new_hash\",\"type\":\"ByStr32\",\"value\":\"0x62c8b569f485f22878f8b31f6e159981be4ea78bdeb09062fbcdcbc4802deae2\"},{\"vname\":\"block\",\"type\":\"Uint64\",\"value\":\"178656\"}]}",
          "gasLimit": "40000",
          "gasPrice": "1000000000",
          "nonce": "352",
          "receipt": {
            "accept": false,
            "errors": null,
            "exceptions": null,
            "success": true,
            "cumulative_gas": "841",
            "epoch_num": "1558244",
            "event_logs": [
                "_eventname": "SubmitHashSuccess",
                "address": "0xc36087407e6474e038d7c316a620afe2a752ad0e",
                "params": [
                    "type": "ByStr32",
                    "value": "0x62c8b569f485f22878f8b31f6e159981be4ea78bdeb09062fbcdcbc4802deae2",
                    "vname": "hash"
                    "type": "Int32",
                    "value": "2",
                    "vname": "code"
            "transitions": null
          "senderPubKey": "0x025A5A6AFBB5797E44F29FEFA81B43EB3600C70F021B78ABCE7CF2D4D01D467AFF",
          "signature": "0xA9FA2B79A0927B544528693D51BB7FCAD1E283146310CE3B12167EAA982AF69EB879942A8310D66F4D5E46655C930DFB4664861435F7CCC2E3DACA653A3966FF",
          "version": "21823489"

Get a Block Transaction - Contract Call with Smart Contract Deposits (With

Chain Calls)


  "network_identifier": {
    "blockchain": "zilliqa",
    "network": "testnet"
  "block_identifier": {
    "index": 1406004,
    "hash": "84c14dc0685e01b3c7d06f2f2dd9198880b182a82d16ed62a67752560badc6b7"
  "transaction_identifier": {
    "hash": "17c46c252569a4f3fc41ae45fc6a898892b3f75dde11d517f8b7a037caf658e3"


Sample Note: The operation type is contract_call, follow by contract_call_transfer for subsequent operations with a smart contract deposits.

In the sample, the sequence of operations are as follows:

  • Initiator zil16ura3fhsf84h60s7w6xjy4u2wxel892n7sq5dp -> Contract zil135gsjk2wqxwecn00axm2s40ey6g6ne8668046h (invokes a contract call to add funds)
  • Contract zil135gsjk2wqxwecn00axm2s40ey6g6ne8668046h (8d1109594e019d9c4defe9b6a855f92691a9e4fa) -> Recipient zil12n6h5gqhlpw87gtzlqe5sq5r7pq2spj8x2g8pe (amount is deducted from contract balance and trasnferred to recipient)
  "transaction": {
    "transaction_identifier": {
      "hash": "17c46c252569a4f3fc41ae45fc6a898892b3f75dde11d517f8b7a037caf658e3"
    "operations": [
        "operation_identifier": {
          "index": 0
        "type": "contract_call",
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "account": {
          "address": "zil16ura3fhsf84h60s7w6xjy4u2wxel892n7sq5dp",
          "metadata": {
            "base16": "d707D8a6F049Eb7d3E1e768D22578A71b3f39553"
        "amount": {
          "value": "0",
          "currency": {
            "symbol": "ZIL",
            "decimals": 12
        "operation_identifier": {
          "index": 1
        "related_operations": [
            "index": 0
        "type": "contract_call_transfer",
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "account": {
          "address": "zil135gsjk2wqxwecn00axm2s40ey6g6ne8668046h",
          "metadata": {
            "base16": "8D1109594E019D9C4DEFe9b6A855F92691A9E4fA"
        "amount": {
          "value": "-123073860347289351",
          "currency": {
            "symbol": "ZIL",
            "decimals": 12
        "operation_identifier": {
          "index": 2
        "related_operations": [
            "index": 1
        "type": "contract_call_transfer",
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "account": {
          "address": "zil12n6h5gqhlpw87gtzlqe5sq5r7pq2spj8x2g8pe",
          "metadata": {
            "base16": "54F57A2017F85c7F2162f833480283f040a80647"
        "amount": {
          "value": "123073860347289351",
          "currency": {
            "symbol": "ZIL",
            "decimals": 12
        "metadata": {
          "contractAddress": "8d1109594e019d9c4defe9b6a855f92691a9e4fa",
          "data": "{\"_tag\": \"AddFunds\", \"params\": []}",
          "gasLimit": "10000",
          "gasPrice": "1000000000",
          "nonce": "8",
          "receipt": {
            "accept": false,
            "errors": null,
            "exceptions": null,
            "success": true,
            "cumulative_gas": "1402",
            "epoch_num": "1406004",
            "event_logs": [
                "_eventname": "Verifier add funds",
                "address": "0x54f57a2017f85c7f2162f833480283f040a80647",
                "params": [
                    "type": "ByStr20",
                    "value": "0xd707d8a6f049eb7d3e1e768d22578a71b3f39553",
                    "vname": "verifier"
            "transitions": [
                "accept": false,
                "addr": "0x8d1109594e019d9c4defe9b6a855f92691a9e4fa",
                "depth": 0,
                "msg": {
                  "_amount": "123073860347289351",
                  "_recipient": "0x54f57a2017f85c7f2162f833480283f040a80647",
                  "_tag": "AddFunds",
                  "params": [
                      "vname": "initiator",
                      "type": "ByStr20",
                      "value": "0xd707d8a6f049eb7d3e1e768d22578a71b3f39553"
          "senderPubKey": "0x02BCD59F13A3DF40DE7D6B901B10DA416D2EFDD41E9A3631D6673809D7F5B9C4EF",
          "signature": "0xB0B321303D8CABDC3E1AD6B3ECD5CECD90A7D0A839C69C1C23A68CC0AFD283DCC9696EB503EBAE167C3DF3943A54E6EAA1D35D28D9F414FBA44109DAAAEF4F56",
          "version": "21823489"