Node setup
Both the proto-testnet and the proto-mainnet version of Zilliqa 2.0 allow users to setup a node and join the network.
Proto-testnet hardware requirements
- CPU:
- 1 Core / 2 threads or more
- RAM:
- 4 GB or more
- Disk:
- 100 GB or more
Proto-mainnet hardware requirements
- CPU:
- 2 Core / 4 threads or more
- RAM:
- 8 GB or more
- Disk:
- 200 GB or more
We are running our Zilliqa 2.0 Nodes on Google Cloud Platform, GCP,
GCE VM e2-standard-2
instance with 256 GB SSD (pd-ssd
Software requirements
- Operating System: We build and run on Ubuntu 22.04LTS or above
- Docker: 27.0.3+
The following TCP ports need to be open to the internet for both inbound and outbound.
NOTE: We don't recommend to run Nodes behind a NAT, if you're doing so and you are facing any traversal issue you might have to debug on your own.
3333/UDP - P2P protocol port: has to be opened on inbound and outbound to public internet.
4201/TCP - JSONRPC over HTTP: API port, only necessary if you want your API to be accessible via the internet.
Setting up your node
To run a Zilliqa 2.0 node and join the proto-mainnet or the proto-testnet,
we provide the z2
utility as part of the zq2 code
base. Follow the step by step guide to setup your node:
- Cargo and Rust: You need to have Cargo and Rust installed on your system. You can install them using rustup. Once rustup is installed, you can update Rust to the latest stable version.
- Install the following requirements:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ethereum/ethereum && sudo apt update && \ sudo apt install -y solc build-essential pkg-config libssl-dev cmake \ protobuf-compiler
- Pick a directory. You'll need quite a lot of space. Let's call it
. -
Clone zq2 sourcecode into that directory to get
. -
Build the code using
cargo build
. - Source the setenv file:
This will give you access to the
source /my/dir/zq2/scripts/setenv
tool (inzq2/z2
). -
Generate the startup script and the configuration file for your node by running:
NOTE: You can replacez2 join --chain zq2-prototestnet
depending on which network you want your node to join. -
(Optional) A Zilliqa node contains various performance and operational metrics compatible with the OpenTelemetry protocol specification. If you want to export these metrics you can define a collector endpoint with the
parameter inz2 join
pointing to your own OpenTelemetry monitoring stack, for example:NOTE: For more details on testing and using the available OpenTelemetry metrics refer to the OpenTelemetry page.z2 join --chain zq2-prototestnet --otlp-endpoint=http://localhost:4317
Generate the node private key.
NOTE: Please save the node key as described above. You may need it in the future to restart the node to generate the BLS public key of the node.openssl rand -hex 32 > node-private-key.txt export PRIVATE_KEY=$(cat node-private-key.txt)
Now it's time to decide how the node will synchronize with the network. There are two options you can choose from:
- Synchronization from a checkpoint.
Starting from a checkpoint is a significantly faster option. This method leverages a predefined checkpoint block number and hash, enabling the node to sync with the network in justa few hours, depending on the checkpoint's block height. Before proceeding to start the node section, you'll need to configure the necessary settings to start the node from a checkpoint. Detailed instructions for this configuration are available in syncing-from-checkpoints.
- Synchronization from the genesis.
This method initializes the node from the genesis block, ensuring that the node processes the entire blockchain history. However, this process is time-consuming, as the node must download and validate every block from the genesis block to the latest block height. Syncing the node to the latest block may take a considerable amount of time, potentially up to several days to complete fully.
Starting your node
Since only full archive nodes need to sync from the genesis block, all other nodes can be started from a checkpoint:
start the node from a checkpoint: (fast, recommended)
chmod +x && \ ./ -k $PRIVATE_KEY -p <checkpoint_block_num.dat>
start the node from the genesis: (slow, available in a future upgrade)
chmod +x && \ ./ -k $PRIVATE_KEY
NOTE: The <checkpoint_block_num.dat>
file is the one you previously downloaded. Refer to syncing-from-checkpoint
Great! The node should now be syncing with the network. It may take up to 1-2 hours for the node to fully synchronize. You can check the progress of the node by running the following command, which should return the latest block height after syncing.
curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:4201/ \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"method":"eth_blockNumber","params":[],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}'
If you started your node from a checkpoint and it does not respond to the above request, then it is still processing the checkpoint file and has not started synchronizing yet.
For additional details on z2
and the join
capability refer to:
Becoming a Validator
Under the consensus mechanism introduced in Zilliqa 2.0, nodes can stake ZIL to secure the network and promote themselves as validator nodes. In return, they receive a share of the block rewards.
While becoming a validator on the Zilliqa 2.0 mainnet will be permissionless, on the current proto-testnet you need to request the minimum required stake of 10 million ZIL in order for you to register as a validator.
To register as a validator on the Jasper proto-testnet, please complete and submit validator join form.
Once you have sufficient $ZILs you can register your node as validator.
Below is a guide on how to register a validator node for Zilliqa 2.0:
Upgrading your node
You should try to keep your node version up-to-date with the latest released version of Zilliqa 2.0. You can stay informed of new releases via the repository release page.
Sometimes a hard fork will be needed when the execution semantics of blocks or transactions have changed. It is important to upgrade your node's version before the block height at which these hard forks are activated. Not doing so may lead to your node going out of sync and losing rewards if it is a validator.
First, pull the main
branch and update your
script and configuration file by re-running z2 join
z2 join --chain zq2-prototestnet
with the chain you are running on.
To minimise the downtime of your node, we recommend pulling the new image locally before you stop your old node:
docker pull${ZQ_VERSION} # You can copy the new ZQ_VERSION from inside ``
Stop your existing node:
docker container ls # Identify the container ID of the existing node. This will look a 12 character hex-string (e.g. af6010f3f9ae).
docker stop <container id>
Start your new node:
You can validate the version your node is running by calling the GetVersion
API method:
curl --request POST --url http://localhost:4202 --header 'content-type: application/json' --data '{"method":"GetVersion","id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}'